Licensed Professional Counselor
MA, MFA, Licensed Professional Counselor/OR, Licensed Mental Health Counselor/WA
Trauma-certified therapy in a mindful, collaborative space. Also specializing in grief, illness, and stress mgmt. Fully licensed in OR & WA.
Client Status
Telehealth throughout Oregon & Washington
Telehealth throughout Oregon & Washington
Oregon 97034
Rate: $150
Provides free initial consultation
Practicing Since: 2020
Whether recent circumstances are challenging, or aspects of the past need to be reconciled, my clients want to process and cope healthily, moving toward mindful, holistic healing. They want to feel less anxious, own their lives, and feel better. They want clarity, meaning, understanding, and support reaching that place through their challenges, traumas, or grief. Their capacity for resilience and vulnerability and insight humbles me daily, and I meet them where they are with respect and empathy.
Fundamentally, I believe in your worth and your capacity--even if you can't see that in yourself. This premise is the foundation of the humanistic approach and it is paramount to my work. I also believe you are responsible for building your life and knowing and owning who you are. I am here to support, but also to be real with you. The humanistic approach assists people with improving their functioning, their symptoms, their self awareness and self acceptance, personal responsibility, and power
One of my favorite aspects of mindfulness therapy is that the awareness and processing strategies are easily applied in between therapy sessions, and help with a huge range of challenges, from anxiety and depression to PTSD to grief to daily stress management. True healing and coping is integrative, and mindfulness is an important, very well-researched approach to help facilitate ongoing health, growth, and stability. Sometimes this is meditation, but also breath work and other grounding tools.
Learning coping tools to improve functioning, changing underlying thought patterns or perspectives we've held that don't serve us, and re-evaluating our motivations or circumstances, can help us see or understand our challenges in a different way, and respond effectively. Processing thought patterns and responses through a CBT lens have been shown to be hugely effective with anxiety and depression, as well as with trauma and a wide array of mental health issues.
Grief can stem from a death close to us, or be lingering and unresolved from our past. Grief can be about things other than death, like loss of the life you pictured, or grief for the impacts of trauma and abuse. It can be all consuming and isolating and nonlinear. If there was a death in the family and we're parents, we're also managing the grief of our kids. Compounding it, most of the time people near us don't know how to support, and that can make things worse. Counseling can help processing
Managing fears, unknowns, and the healthcare and medical systems is exhausting and can be frustrating. Often, we are also managing the emotions of those around us. We are continuing to work, raise kids, deal with financial implications, and trying to live a "normal" life despite physical or physiological manifestations, and despite a myriad of other factors unique to everyone's specific circumstance. As with grief, it can be isolating and our community often doesn't support in the way we need.
Caregiving--whether in our personal or work life--can take a tremendous toll. It is a constant balancing act to negotiate our own self care and equilibrium along with the emotional expense of managing others' needs. My clients are healthcare professionals, educators, and others, as well as individuals caring for family members. They are responsible for a lot and the exhaustion can be deeply emotional as well as physical. Compassion can be one of our best qualities, but in balance.
Anxiety can look like so many things--a steady, constant worry all the way to full-blown panic attacks. It can be restlessness or a tense jaw or neck muscles, poor self care choices, and sleep challenges as your body holds all that stress trying to protect you. Learning tools for anxiety and worry management can help minimize how these symptoms interfere with your life. Often, there are underlying root issues that can be processed through counseling, as well.
As a trauma-certified therapist, PTSD, adult survivors of sexual abuse, grief, and medical trauma are a focus of my practice. Trauma affects the nervous system, other aspects of our physiology, as well as our emotional state. At the same time, it can be managed holistically and with a trauma-informed approach. A safe therapeutic healing space conducive to restoration and processing can help with symptom management and overall wellness.
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