Samantha Auclair

Samantha Auclair (She/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Welcome! You can call me Sami. I'm an integrative therapist who specializes in complex trauma and adjustment to disability/chronic illness.

Client Status

accepting clients



4531 SE Belmont Street

Suite 320

Portland, 97215

At a Glance


Rate: $130-$175

Provides free initial consultation

Provides telehealth services

Practicing Since: 2019

Languages: English


  • Individual

Insurances Accepted

  • Out of Pocket
  • Out of Network
  • PacificSource

My Ideal Client

My clients often have a history of (or ongoing) trauma, including medical trauma, attachment trauma, single-incident traumatic events, and complex trauma; difficulty coping with chronic illness and/or disability (e.g., EDS, MCAS, POTS, GI diseases, cancer); anxiety/panic disorders; obsessive-compulsive disorder; and/or dissociative disorders. Many of my clients have complex cases. Some choose to do long-term depth work with me, while others may see me to work toward more immediate goals.

My Background and Approach

I consider myself a clinician first and a provider of specific modalities second—meaning I am trained and experienced in a variety of approaches to support my clients, depending on their readiness, interest, need, and presenting concern. I offer Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Prolonged Exposure (PE), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), parts/ego states work, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), somatic interventions, and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). I believe that the therapeutic relationship is more important than any theoretical orientation. I strive to get to know my clients human-to-human rather than expert-to-patient.

Why I Became a Therapist

I originally applied to graduate school because I wanted to help people. While that is still true, what feels more true is that I'm good at creating space for my clients to meet me at any point in their healing journey. Sometimes that means I help, while other times our work together is a stepping stone toward eventually getting help, and some may find healing outside of therapy. It is just such an honor to be a part of my clients' healing process, no matter where we're beginning or where we end. Seems therapist fit is the biggest indicator of successful outcomes in therapy, I offer a free initial consultation. Feel free to reach out when you're ready.

Techniques I Use


  • EMDR External link

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is an evidence-based trauma therapy that helps individuals desensitize trauma memories, as well as shift the narratives around those memories. For example, after EMDR treatment, a client who was assaulted may find that they no longer feel activation in their body when they recall the traumatic event, and the narrative changed from "I'm not safe" to "I survived, and I'm okay.”

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) External link

    ACT is an action-oriented approach that stems from CBT, but can be quite different than traditional CBT in practice. In a nutshell, it involves learning how to diffuse your thoughts, choosing to "lean in" to your emotions, identifying what is important to you (i.e., your values), and acting in commitment with your values.

  • Cognitive Behavioral (CBT) External link

    I am trained in Prolonged Exposure (PE) for PTSD, Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for PTSD, and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD—all of which are under the larger CBT umbrella.

Issues I Treat


  • PTSD External link

    I am trained in several trauma therapies, including Prolonged Exposure (PE; the "Gold Standard"), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Cognitive Process Therapy (CPT)—all of which are evidence-based treatments in PTSD.

  • Chronic Pain or Illness External link

    As a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, I have extensive experience working with people with chronic illness and disabilities. I often work where chronic illness/disability and trauma intersect, including medical trauma.

  • Loss or Grief External link

    I have a background in bereavement support, including working directly with people in hospice. I work with clients who have experienced tragic and sudden losses, anticipated losses, and complicated grief.

Contact Samantha

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