Terry Marshall

Terry Marshall

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Hey there! I'm Terry. I work with individuals and couples to heal their relationships in a nonjudgment and compassionate way.

Client Status

accepting clients



811 E. Burnside #217

Portland, OR 97214

At a Glance


Rate: $120

Provides free initial consultation

Provides telehealth services

Practicing Since: 2008

Languages: English


  • Individual
  • Relationship

Insurances Accepted

  • Out of Pocket
  • Out of Network

My Ideal Client

You're tired. Stuck. You've tried to change things but nothing seems to work, at least not as much as you need. Whether it's anxiety, depression, relationship problems, anger, lack of self-worth...etc, I want you to know that it can get better.

My Approach to Helping

I work primarily from a model of therapy called Internal Family Systems (IFS). IFS is an evidence based, non-pathologizing and empowering approach. Our perception of people around us, our relationships and the world itself is shaped by the impact of attachment wounds and traumas that we endure. We will explore these in a non-judgmental and compassionate way. I invite you to develop a different relationship with this inner world. One that honors the challenges you've faced and gotten you this far. And in doing so, get you a lot further. I want to hear your story and understand your perspective and with that understanding help you get what you deserve, an empowered, Self-led, life.

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

I believe that behind EVERY thought, feeling and behavior is a positive intention. I believe that you have all the resources you need to heal your past and move forward. I believe that understanding and accepting yourself IS self-love.

Techniques I Use


  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) External link

    Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy is an evidence-based, non-pathologizing and empowering approach. It is also a new paradigm for understanding and harmonizing the mind. Many of us might say, "I hate this thing about myself" or "I wish I didn't do that". It turns out that when we listen inside, rather than trying to eliminate these aspects of ourselves, our self-talk changes spontaneously and real self-compassion and connection often arise.

  • Cognitive Behavioral (CBT) External link

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a common form of treatment that centers around investigating the relationship between thoughts, feelings and behaviors. CBT is based on the idea that a person's mood is directly related to his or her thought patterns and is intended to help clients to recognize negative or inaccurate thoughts and replace them with healthier, more productive ways of thinking.

  • Eclectic External link

    Eclectic therapy integrates a variety of approaches and philosophies in order to create a treatment program to meet the individual client’s needs. An eclectic therapist may have a favorite technique, but they will often employ all that are available to them in an effort to treat their clients as successfully as possible. Eclectic therapy is usually balanced between listening and advice giving.

Issues I Treat


  • Self-Esteem External link

    Not many topics have produced as much advice and conflicting theories as self-esteem. How do you feel about who you are? This is the question I help clients answer in a healthy way. Healthy self-esteem is a balanced accurate understanding of yourself, including understanding how you got to be the ways you are.

  • Relationship / Marriage Issues External link

    Relationships...the most complex of psychological work. My work with couples is geared to conscious, intentional relationship, where safety and understanding is primary. I work with people on building healthy interactional patterns, in communication, affection and needs fulfillment. Giving clients tools to stop destructive patterns and develop patterns of connection and trust.

  • Social Phobia External link

    People with social phobia (or social anxiety) can worry about future social events for weeks before they happen. The strong and irrational fear of being judged by others or of being embarrassed impairs the ability to function in at least some parts of daily life. A mental health professional can be helpful in coping with social anxiety.

  • Anger Management External link

    Anger is such a tricky topic. It can be destructive (as most of us know), yet the intention of anger is most often protective. Protective of the person themselves. And there are four feelings or vulnerabilities that underlie anger, thus anger is often referred to as a secondary emotion. These vulnerable feelings are defended against by anger, they are: hurt (emotional hurt), fear, insecurity or lack of worth, and powerlessness or lack of control.

  • Depression External link

    Depression is an issue that I have had a lot of success treating, both in the short term and long term. Depression is a state of mind that you feel helpless to change. It seems like you can't go forward and you can't go back. I give my clients tools to change this state in the moment and a plan for continued growth, helping to live each day with more freedom.

Contact Terry

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