treatment orientation

Somatic Psychotherapy: The Complementary Nature of Qigong and Counseling

Posted: November 01, 2014 by Peter Gold

Supplementing the work you do in counseling offers many benefits that talk therapy alone cannot.  This article is about those benefits and the complementary nature of counseling and qigong.

Tags: mood and feelings, anxiety, news, treatment orientation

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How Do You Know When to Start Therapy?

Posted: May 31, 2014 by [email protected]

Friends and family often ask me for tips on starting therapy off on the right foot. It can be scary to make your first appointment with a stranger. But investing in good counseling can be one of the most valuable decisions you ever make. Here are seven things that may help you if you’re considering therapy.

Tags: mood and feelings, life transition, treatment orientation

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Breathing 101: Why Slow, Deep Breathing Helps Manage Symptoms of Stress & Anxiety

Posted: March 17, 2014 by Nani Waddoups

The now ever-present suggestion to “breathe” has become part of our pop culture lexicon as a strategy to slow our racing minds, “reduce stress,” and generally chill out. We hear the message to breathe deeply from yoga teachers, in meditation classes, and on bumper stickers. Occasionally, we may heed the instruction and fill our lungs and let out a long sigh, and note that a deep breath does indeed feel good. Intuitively, our bodies tell us that breathing does do something to move us to a calmer state. But how? And why?

Tags: mood and feelings, anxiety, treatment orientation

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Breathing 101: Why Slow, Deep Breathing Helps Manage Symptoms of Stress & Anxiety

Posted: March 17, 2014 by Nani Waddoups

The now ever-present suggestion to “breathe” has become part of our pop culture lexicon as a strategy to slow our racing minds, “reduce stress,” and generally chill out. We hear the message to breathe deeply from yoga teachers, in meditation classes, and on bumper stickers. Occasionally, we may heed the instruction and fill our lungs and let out a long sigh, and note that a deep breath does indeed feel good. Intuitively, our bodies tell us that breathing does do something to move us to a calmer state. But how? And why?

Tags: mood and feelings, anxiety, treatment orientation

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