Blog Archive: 2017

Blog Archive: 2017

Here Come the Holidays

Posted: November 16, 2017 by [email protected]

As the holidays quickly approach and we are busy making our shopping lists and turkey timetables, I thought it might also be helpful to take a minute to remind ourselves of some healthy practices for our emotional well-being.

Tags: mood and feelings, relationship and family, anxiety

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The Differences Between Hypnosis and Therapy

Posted: November 02, 2017 by [email protected]

What is so different about hypnosis?

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Racism and Mental Health Therapy

Posted: October 18, 2017 by Danette Gillespie-Otto

Racism is a pervasive, inescapable reality for us, as people of color. American society was founded on oppression, which continues to this day. It is woven into all of the social structures of America, including government, healthcare, education, employment, media and other structures.

Tags: mood and feelings, relationship and family

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Open Relationships, Open Marriages, Open Hearts

Posted: August 07, 2017 by David Hayden

In my experience working with couples, a question that I've seen emerge more and more is something along the lines of: "we are interested in opening our relationship, but how do we handle jealousy?"

Tags: mood and feelings, relationship and family

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