Anna Schaum

Anna Schaum

Licensed Professional Counselor

Currently working exclusively as an organizational strategist and executive team consultant.

Client Status

not accepting clients



Portland, 97210

At a Glance


Provides telehealth services

Practicing Since: 2003

Languages: English


  • Individual
  • Family
  • Group
  • Relationship

Insurances Accepted

  • Out of Pocket
  • Out of Network

My Approach to Helping

Maybe you've tried coaching or therapy before, but were frustrated by a lack of action, assertiveness, empathy, or engagement by the practitioner. Your family history isn't necessarily short on trauma, nevertheless you survived and even thrived. You sense that if you could understand it all better life would improve, personally and professionally. I get it. I was a world class professional symphonic musician before becoming a personal leadership coach and therapist, and understand how to help you successfully leverage the complementary powers of attuned listening and deliberate practice. My ideal clients are high achievers searching for meaning, direction, community, support through loss, and/or renewed purpose.

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

I use a unique blend of self awareness tools to help you tune in to your own creative flow. We'll reduce your stress, clarify your intentions, define what success means now, and lay the groundwork for your next right steps. Equally comfortable with teams and individuals, I've been called a "team whisper" more than once. Feel free to contact me to discuss how I can help you and/or your team thrive.

Techniques I Use


  • Experiential External link

    I am a Board Certified Practitioner of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy (, am qualified to train therapists in this modality, and teach at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, OR and Antioch University in Seattle.

Issues I Treat


  • Personal Growth External link

    As a Personal Growth Specialist, I view the human condition as a giant opportunity to keep expanding awareness and exercising creativity to meet challenges. Journaling, collaging, dreamwork, I Ching, as well as targeted tools like CBT exercises can be utilized to open minds and break up outworn thought patterns. A personal growth approach can make even the most difficult times more meaningful.

Contact Anna

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