
The purpose of the coaching is to help an individual move forward and make changes in whatever ways they need assistance. Although coaching and other forms of therapy have much in common, they are sometimes differentiated by assertion that coaches work with healthy individuals to help them achieve their full potential and therapists (or counselors) work with clients suffering from mental illness or mental health problems. A client and a coach will generally set very specific goals that will focus on enhancing performance, improving relationships (personal or professional), or accomplishing a specific objective.

Local experts in Coaching

Emily Wheeler (She/her)



The stories you tell yourself, make up for the existence of who you believe yourself to be. These stories are altered & changed over time naturally, but when we intentionally change outdated labels, true magic begins to appear. You do not have to hold onto what you have always known, or who you have been told you are. You get to choose your own narrative, your own story. I use Timeline Therapy, NLP, & Coaching to support rapid shifts and easeful integration.

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Carrie Ivy (she/her)

Professional Counselor

Coaching offers fresh outlooks and perspectives, as well as support and new ideas. Growth and change are imperative to forward progression, and since those times tend to be the toughest, it's my honor to offer support and encouragement. Through process-oriented techniques, we will explore your high and low dreams and what is looking to happen next.

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Polly Gravely MS, LPC, MFT (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Nationally Certified Counselor

I use the PRINT Survey assessment to enhance understanding of the way people react and how they relate by explaining the “why” behind their behavior – - why people act as they do - why they make certain choices - why they are attracted to certain things - why they function better in certain situations than others Everyone has core motivations that drive their actions and behaviors. PRINT® reveals what these motivators are and in doing so, clarifies people need.

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Caroline McGrath LPC, NCC (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Certified Master Jungian Life Coach, Certified Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator, Certified TRE® Provider, Certified Yoga Calm® Youth Instructor, Holistic Health Practitioner

Areas and Specialties in my Coaching Practice as a Certified Master Jungian Life Coach & Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator: Coaching for Adults & Parents; Life & Career Transitions; Burnout; Feeling Stuck and Resistant; Shadow Work; Reconnecting With Your Intuition & Spiritual Growth; Strengthening Self Worth & Self Confidence; Family/Parent/Work/Relationship/Life Balance; Ready to Level Up in Business; Entrepreneurship; Stress Management/Anxiety/Overwhelm

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Emily Ross-Johnson (she/her/hers)

Professional Counselor Associate

For those wanting mental health coaching services that are rooted in neuroscience principles and focused on enacting positive changes and forming new patterns of behavior.

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David Hanna (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


With the current state of the world, sometimes results need to be immediate. We don't always have time to explore the roots of our challenges. Coaching can be a great way to tackle a problem at face value and get it taken care of and behind you.

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Mikaela Rodriguez (she/her)



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Nancy Pearson, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Coaching is another way of describing problem solving. It is generally delivered by someone who has experienced the very thing they are assisting with. The coach has mastered both information and technique and can use the experience thus gained to help others do their best in the field of endeavor. Let me be a source of experience for you to draw on as you work to make your family uniquely yours!

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Amanda Frankel

Qualified Mental Health Professional


I am a certified coach with experience working with clients ranging from students to executives. My coaching work is strengths-based and action-oriented, focused on behavior change that aligns with values, motivation, inner wisdom and actualization.

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Dr. Ryan Lloyd

Clinical Psychologist

I coach parents and families towards their goals with a solution-focused, skills-based approach. For example, for families with a child with a new ADHD diagnosis, I enjoy coaching them towards improved structure, routines, parenting techniques, and problem solving barriers.

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Gia Buckberg

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Much of my therapeutic approach is derived from the life coaching perspective. We return to our common connections by loving, honoring and valuing ourselves and others. Wonder, curiosity and inquiry are the source of all learning. I believe awareness is the precursor to choice. Finally, contribution based on purpose generates true fulfillment and that connection is the wellspring of creativity

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Kelsey Simons (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Felicia Turner

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Achieved by moving a functional individual toward a higher level of functioning by helping them realize their full potential. I am gifted in a way of allowing individuals to see the best version of themselves and to aid them in seeing their inner greatness.

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Susan Lehman (she/her)


CPDT, HART, life coach

I have received training at the Coaches Training Institute in San Rafael, CA in the co-active coaching model.

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Annette Smith (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

MA, NCC, LPC Registered Associate

I have been using coaching as a way of supporting individuals in their life and career goals as well as with parenting. It is a useful and complementary tool with use in counseling to help individuals apply practical skills to their lives. Where counseling is a great venue for processing, coaching supports tangible action steps a person can take.

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Terra Anderson (they/them)

Somatic Practitioner


I'm an Erotic Blueprint™ Coach and I use this framework with my sex therapy clients as well. I love how this methodology gives clients the language to explore their body's unique wiring for arousal and learn to clearly communicate their desires.

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Robin Bodhi (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Certified Conscious Freedom Coach 2020. This style of coaching works with neuroplasticity to explore how to change deeply held beliefs, feelings and behaviors that are limiting. Through dissecting and understanding patterns, specific tools can be implemented to bring about positive change.

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Megan Miller (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT, Holistic Coach

I offer a coaching series that is six sessions over three months with an emphasis on action towards your unique goals. This is a more structured approach to personal growth whereas therapy is an open-ended process of exploration that may cover a wide range of topics and goals. While the structure to therapy is different, we can always incorporate solution-focused work into our time together. I love supporting motivated clients who are ready for change and looking for a growth oriented approach.

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Derica Waller (She/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Coaching techniques include clarifying your values and goals and the action steps that will bring these goals to life.

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Jennifer Jim, LPC (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy to bring you the tools you need for mental wellness.

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xxxx xxxx

Licensed Professional Counselor

Coaching is not therapy or consulting, so the focus is not on “treating” or advising. We are companions on a journey that I am familiar with, and my role is to listen deeply, asking questions that help you look deep inside yourself to find your own answers and strengths.

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Katie Playfair, LPC (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

LPC (OR and Tx) LMHC (WA)

Some of my clients need support in exploring their values, career directions, or simply making progress in a part of their life they feel stuck on. I use an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy approach to coaching, whether it's career coaching, ADHD coaching, or partner coaching for the loved ones of people with OCD, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, etc.

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Brittany Eide (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

It is my aim to assist clients in reaching their goals in any relationship in which they feel they need guidance and support. My training was based off of the principles of interpersonal intelligence.

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Skyler Johnston

Licensed Professional Counselor


Coaching allows one to bring about positive changes in their life more quickly and efficiently than they might on their own. Coaching makes use of collaborative goal formation, problem solving and accountability.

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Korina Jochim

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Also known as solution-focused, coaching is a more directive approach that helps to achieve specific, measurable goals that are defined by the client. We work on identifying goals aligned with your values, resources available, barriers to past achievement of goals, "chunking" tasks, creating timelines and accountability. Some common problems that benefit from coaching are career and education goals, wellness, leaving difficult relationships, and cultivating healthy relationships and behaviors.

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