Family Systems

Family systems theory is a therapeutic philosophy based on the belief that people cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family. Family systems theory looks at each family as unique and evolving. A family systems approach to therapy always considers the entire family. If any member of the family has a problem, it is viewed as a symptom of as issue in the family group. Family systems therapy helps families to identify the ways their own family functions and to focus on and develop their strengths as a whole.

Local experts in Family Systems

Rebel Heart Therapy (They/She/Her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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David Hanna (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


We all have a family and that family can be the source of great joy... and great frustration. Understanding how to build successful family relationships is a struggle for most of us. My training is specifically in family systems counseling from Bastyr University and my ongoing training and professional growth is always related to better understanding family systems.

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Terri Mishler, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

Understanding the individual is part of a system in their families, relationships, social networks and workplace enables them to understand the changes they need to make, and how to make those changes in the context of the systems they experience.

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Carl Jensen

Licensed Professional Counselor


I have several years experience working with families. Although I don't see families today, I can work with individuals experiencing problems with their family dynamics. I have training in Structural family therapy.

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Alana Ogilvie (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


As a marriage and family therapist my primary training and expertise is in family systems and working with relationship dynamics.

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Mitch Bacon, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Family shapes who you become. Each generation influences the next. Family Systems Therapy offers an opportunity to rediscover the healing benefits of being in healthy contact with the people we love. I provide a safe space for mindfully interacting person to person, creating the structure for new growth to occur. I am adept at bringing a family together through humor, creativity, and openness

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Anchor Within Counseling

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Behavioral Health Office

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Travis Wright (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


To have some deeper knowledge of our own family system can illuminate much of our habits and behaviors. This then gives us some space to begin to enact change with the people around us. Our own family system is some of the deepest parts of our experience in this life and having some knowledge about it can be liberating. Of course, this kind of work is not so easily explored since much of life's pain comes from our childhood.

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Guillaume Counseling Services (She/Her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Nahomie Guillaume is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and provide mental health services within a family relationship context, even if only one person present, attending individual therapy. All Clinicians who work under Nahomie's supervision and licensure are also trained to have a family system lens when working with clients. We specialize in improving family relationships.

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Carol Walnum, Certified Jungian Analyst, MA (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

LPC, Certified Jungian Analyst

No human is an island wrote poet John Donne. Family systems use that concept, knowing we are all affected by the patterns and cultures of our family of origin. Often my clients discover family ways of being that no longer serve them and their current life. We work to explore this discovery and how to change without guilt and shame. We work to handle current, difficult family of origin issues.

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Richard Marshall

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Since I began practicing, I have used my graduate level training in family systems theory in order to help individuals and families identify and interrupt unhelpful recurring patterns of behavior and bring about lasting, positive systemic change. Additionally, family systems-informed therapy can help clients heal from damaging inter-generational trauma.

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Kelly Sullivan (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


People that surrounded us during our childhood and youth influence our perceptions and relationships as do our early romantic relationships. I think of the current challenges a person faces within a framework of their past in order to help them consider different ways to be in the present.

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Brandt Hueser

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Working in home-based mental health for over 10 years has provided me the training and experience to help families resolve conflict. I believe the stories that families and individuals carry with them serve as a blueprint for decision making and patterns throughout life. Changing these patterns is an important part in reaching family and individual goals.

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Kelly Aldinger (she/her)

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner


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Leslie Yeargers (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LPC, LMFT, Certified Sex Informed Couples Counselor

Families take on a life and dynamic of their own. Sometimes a family can be deeply impacted by outside stressors or when a member is struggling. Through deep listening, I help you sort out what's going on in your family and assist in helping you develop resilience and deeper connection.

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Madeline Fox

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Whether it is the family you were born into or the family you chose to create, we are impacted and impacting everyone that we hold dear to our hearts. I think great change can occur in your life when you include your family in treatment and explore the ways you are connecting and work towards shifting the moments of hurt and disconnection.

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Christine Bethel (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


No man is an island unto himself. Each person I work with is impacted by the various systems and relationships in their lives. This broad perspective allows me deeper understanding and insight into the challenges and solutions each client brings with them.

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Kelly Washam (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


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Rachel Kendall (she/ her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

MS, C7689

The premise of the family system is that it is the origin of where our world view forms and also how inherently 'safe' we feel. We also form attachments early on that can influence the type of relationships we have later on in life. Based on the values a family wants to have, I can help them re-establish connection, beginning with understanding their family/ system of origin.

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Polly Harrison (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


None of us exists in a vacuum. We're embedded in systems large and small, and each of us in a family system. Often within these are our most precious and painful relationships- people who know how to push our buttons, patterns we can't seem to break. Family systems examines the push and pull of all members, acknowledging that every action is a reaction and that with awareness choice is possible.

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Zachary Newman, LPC, LMFT (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Neil Panchmatia (he/they)

Licensed Professional Counselor

MS, NCC, Licensed Professional Counselor

I extensively use tenets of Internal Family Systems and parts work in my therapy.

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Chad Ernest, MS, LPC (He/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor

I utilize a Family Systems approach in working with families. I take this a step further and help families to look at the environments around them as well as the supports in these environments. Working to help families see how their survival in a system impacts how they raise their children and how the choices they make can change the way they live for the better.

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Kathleen Thompson (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


For over 100 years the field of Psychology has made the patient/client feel like they were the problem. What would it mean if you realized that the role you took on as a child is still impacting you today. Many people do not realize that when it comes to family dynamics we actually had few choices in how to act or be. By examining your family system we can discover the authentic you.

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Jenna Washburn (she / her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

MA: Mental Health Counseling - Specialization in Addictions

Family Systems is all about recognizing how a person impacts and is impacted by the systems within which they interact - starting with their family of origin and extending into larger societal systems.

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Tracy Bryce Farmer (she/they)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


We all start in our first goup: our original family systems. These early family relationships play out again and again in our current lives. If we don't like aspects of our first group, we can study them and the patterns they have created. We can make changes as we see fit.

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Judy Marantz-Herzberg (she/her)

Social Worker

LCSW and LSSW (Licensed School Social Worker)

Even when we grow independent, we never really leave behind the shaping influences of family. I help clients consider these influences, and their effects on adult life and relationships. When working with adolescents, I aim to increase connections and communication with family members, often involving them in counseling sessions.

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Sasha Rosenfels, MA, LMFT (She/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


We will utilize Family Systems approach in order to identify patterns of interactions and work to implement new, more helpful ways of communicating and interacting.

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Regina Tricamo (She/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


We are all shaped in some ways by the context of our families of origin. As we identify patterns from our families, we have the opportunity to make different choices in our lives now. I find this to be some of the most exciting and fruitful work I engage in as a therapist and therefore I have worked for years with a mentor and consultation group to explore this approach in depth.

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