Jamee Puccio

Jamee Puccio

Qualified Mental Health Professional

Supervisor: Justin Little, LMFT, INHC

I believe that humans are meant to heal together, in community, in relationship. I would be honored to be a part of your healing community.

Client Status

accepting clients



704 W Hood Ave

Suite D #2

Sisters, 97759

At a Glance


Rate: $105

Provides free initial consultation

Languages: English


  • Individual
  • Family
  • Group
  • Relationship
  • Teen

Insurances Accepted

  • Out of Pocket
  • Out of Network
  • Cigna
  • OHP CareOregon/HealthShare
  • OHP Open Card
  • OHP Pacific Source Community Solutions
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My Ideal Client

I am especially passionate about helping folks explore, shift, and understand identities. I love working with queer folks, new parents or soon-to-be parents, teenagers and young adults, and people struggling with faith transitions and spiritual trauma. I love being curious alongside my clients as we explore "who's in there?" and "how do I want to live?" and "what's been in my way?"

My Background

I have an extensive background working with young people outside in recreational, educational, and therapeutic spaces. This helps make my work collaborative, laid-back, and warm, no matter who I am working with. I have experience leading several therapeutic groups and am passionate about the power of group work during the healing process. I have spent time teaching socio-emotional education and Nonviolent Communication to young people and love integrating these tools into my current work. I also love to bring my personal and professional experiences with poetry and creative writing into the counseling room as a tool for self-exploration!

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

I deeply believe that we all thrive best when we are taking care of one another. However, most of us these days live in cultures that de-prioritize that community care and expect us to suck it up and take care of ourselves, by ourselves, even in the murkiest times. I don't know about you, but I don't feel very successful when I try to move through life without support. I became a therapist because I love being a part of people's support networks, and I think that therapy is a unique and beautiful way to do that. I love helping folks navigate shifting identities, uncover and care for old wounds, and move into the person they know they really are. I am passionate about exploring the role of systemic oppression and collective trauma in my clients’ stories. As a member of the LGBTQ community I am especially drawn to helping fellow queer folks. I also love helping support parents!

Contact Jamee

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