Relationship / Marriage Issues

Occasionally, fights and conflict within a relationship or marriage are a fact of life. But when the conflicts in your relationship are threatening your health and wellbeing, it may be time to seek help. Most relationship problems are caused, at least in part, by communication difficulties. Seeing a mental health professional with your partner can help you develop strategies to improve your overall happiness and communication or target a specific conflict like anger, infidelity, money, sex, or household duties. Marriage counseling can also help you and your partner reach an informed decision when considering divorce. Seeing a therapist for premarital counseling can also be very beneficial and help you and your partner work through any major differences and set reasonable and healthy expectations for your marriage.

Local experts in Relationship / Marriage Issues

Chelsea Kellogg (she/her/hers)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

M.A. Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapy

I specialize in couple and relationship therapy for people living with trauma. Relationships can wound but they can also be tremendous healing agents. I will help you learn how to relate to your own or your partner’s trauma and how it shows up in the relationship in new ways that foster connection, intimacy, security, and mastery. We will work together to communicate skillfully, negotiate conflicting needs, become less reactive and more receptive, make repairs, and choose new behaviors together.

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Emily Ross-Johnson (she/her/hers)

Professional Counselor Associate

Relationships of any kind take work. Communication and understanding are at the forefront of all successful relationships. Building better understanding of each other, and learning ways in which to communicate effectively, with love and compassion are crucial to having a happy and healthy partnership.

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David Hanna (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


So many of our challenges are rooted in our relationships with our romantic partners. Our romantic relationships are often our most precious, triggering, rewarding and conflict-laden relationships. Many of our conflicts in these relationships will never be resolved. We must learn to support our partners toward their greatest selves and vice-versa.

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Carrie Ivy (she/her)

Professional Counselor

Relationships hold our greatest learnings and help us to know ourselves more fully. Through them we get to experience love, joy, excitement, but also pain, conflict, and confusion. With my experience facilitating relationship conflict, both individual and two-party, I find there is a trove of valuable information in all that arises, which we will use to heal old dynamics and seed new growth.

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Grace Cantor (She, Her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I am passionate about helping couples navigate conflict and develop constructive communication patterns in all realms of life. From parenting to finances, chore delegation to sexuality my intention is to help couples deepen their connection with each other and themselves and ultimately find more joy and fulfillment in life.

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Nic Sutherland (she/they)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

LMFT Associate

No matter your relationship structure or the kind of love you share, relational therapy is a space for two people to intentionally reshape their relationship through feeling emotion, expressing emotion, and attuning to emotion. In relational therapy, we work toward equity, shared values, shared understanding, and genuine connection based on trust and safety.

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Laney Kibel

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


My approach to couples counseling is a blend of Gestalt therapy and Emotionally Focused therapy. I listen with an open mind and heart and speak with compassion and understanding . It is not my role to pass judgement. I work to support people in finding their own voice in asking for what they need and want.

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Jason Schaefer (he/him)

Professional Counselor Associate


Has your relationship become dissatisfying? Are you wondering if this is all there is? Do you want your relationship to be a sanctuary, but don’t feel the necessary trust? Relationships are the yoga of the soul. No two relationships are alike and each one is packed with the specific emotional and soul work needed from the two participants in the relationship. Relationship therapy can help you unpack that work and help you learn how to relate from your authentic self.

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Katya Stark (She/They)

Professional Counselor Associate


I became interested in couples counseling after witnessing how unsatisfactory relationships negatively impact mental health and ultimately reduce the quality of life. Almost every client who seeks counseling for anxiety and depression typically feels unsafe or insecure in their relationships; or, has had difficulty finding partners to meet their needs and accept them for who they are. I have completed Level 1 of Imago Relationship Therapy clinical training.

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Michael Wilson, MA

Licensed Professional Counselor

Nothing saps the joy from life more than relationship conflict. I love having the opportunity to help couples hear each other, to see the relationship from each other's perspective and recognize the need to work together.

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Alexa Adams (she/her/hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I have worked with relationships for most of my career and am passionate about the work. I focus on increasing awareness for interactional patterns, power dynamics, impact of trauma, attachment issues, and improved communication.

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Izy Leighton (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


I have specialized training and experience working with intimate partnerships of all kinds. I approach relational work primarily through a culturally-responsive application of Emotionally Focused Therapy, which helps partners turn toward one another with vulnerability and authenticity and deepen their emotional bond. I welcome integration of sex therapy within relational work, recognizing sex as an important part of many relationships that can become loaded with complication and challenge.

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Melissa Demers (she/her/hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT T2475

My passion is working with couples to help them overcome communication breakdown and start talking to each other with more compassion and understanding. My background and education is in marriage, couples, and family therapy and I have worked for nearly 4 years, including the time I spent in my internship during my grad program, with individuals, families, and couples.

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Ajay Dheer (He/They)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy

My graduate education prioritized working with relationships, fostering a level of confidence in my clinical practice. Since graduating I have pursued further training in working with couples. I believe that relational work allows us to go deeper offering new levels of healing and lasting change. I thoroughly enjoy the complexity and dynamics of people and am passionate about holding space for your relationship(s).

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Casey Campbell, LPC (He/Him)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Studying relationships and how to help couples repair and build satisfying partnerships is one of my current passions. When working with couples I help them identify past resentments and current problematic behaviors that damage the relationship. I then help couples process those resentments and facilitate behavior change in session.

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Robin Carlisle (She/her)

Professional Counselor

Everything in our lives has to do with relationships, or, how we relate. Whether it be to ourselves or others this is our primary lens in viewing the world. Our strongest held patterns are shown to us through intimate relationships. When we experience disruption in our relationships we are given profound opportunities to heal our deepest wounds.

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Kelly Arthur, LMFT, LPC, CADC I

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

As a counselor trained specifically in couples, marriage, and family therapy, I specialize in relationship counseling. I support couples from the early stages in premarital counseling, all the way through the lifecycle of a relationship, potentially including divorce counseling.

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Derrick Radford (He/Him)

Professional Counselor Associate


I specialize in relationship counseling, offering a comprehensive and compassionate approach to couples or two individuals seeking support in their relationship. I work collaboratively with clients to explore relational dynamics and develop personalized strategies for growth and healing. Through a blend of relational therapy, emotionally focused techniques, and psychoanalytic insights, I empower couples to navigate challenges, deepen connection, and foster mutual understanding.

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Brittany England

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT, MA in Counseling

Whatever the relationship issue is you are facing, we will work together to address the root causes of the pain. Since our past informs our future and issues with our family of origin often play out in our current relationships, we will identify and explore potential unresolved issues that are preventing you from having the relationship you desire so you can make changes that support your well-being and your ability to create healthy relationships. I work with individuals only, not couples.

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Nani Waddoups (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Though it may seem like therapy cliche, exploration of our attachment style in our family of origin is critical in the illumination of adult relational patterns. How secure we are in the world of relationships is influenced by our earliest attachments. Are we trusting? Or are we in anticipation of a betrayal? Can we be authentic and transparent? Or do we fear abandonment and rejection?

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Polly Gravely MS, LPC, MFT (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Nationally Certified Counselor

My foundation as a therapist is all relational. When we are stuck in ourselves, we are stuck in our relationships, and vice versa. I have a lot of specific trainings in couples work to help open up emotional dynamics so that places that feel tight, restricted and even hopeless can begin to open and change.

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Gary Conachan III (he/him)

Professional Counselor Associate


From courses in relationship and family therapy to my own personal work and studies, I have knowledge and experience around navigating difficult relationships. I can help you implement boundaries, increase communication skills, and clarify your personal values.

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Robin Magdahlen

Licensed Professional Counselor


I bring compassionate, practical tools and a common sense approach that enables you and your partner to improve your communication, deepen intimacy, build trust and resolve long-standing issues, in an environment that is safe and non-judgmental. I work collaboratively to provide tools and results that feel durable and long lasting.

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Vicki Templeton (She/Her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Marriage & Family Therapist Associate

Trained in Gottman Levels 1 and 2 Trained in Restoration Therapy Trained in EFT

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Eileen Brandt (She/Her)

Student Counselor

We all long for the secure connection that comes from experiences of love and safety in our most important relationships. And yet conflict and communication challenges, coupled with the stresses of daily life, can so often leave couples feeling lost and disconnected. I utilize restoration therapy, emotionally focused therapy and other tools to help couples build understanding, reduce conflict, and rediscover connection points.

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Lolo Halman (he/him)

Professional Counselor

M.A., Diploma of Process Work

I work with couples who are deeply invested in their relationship but find themselves caught in seemingly intractable conflict cycles. I support these couples to reconnect to their relationship purpose, build awareness of their triggers and how to de-escalate in moments of activation, interrupt unhelpful patterns, and realign towards a greater sense of unity as a couple.

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Caitlin Beckwith-Ferguson (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I am trained to work relationally with people. I consider how your relationships impact your sense of self and the attachment experiences that you bring into your relationships. Together, we will work to deepen your connection with your partner(s), helping you become more able to express your needs, boundaries and desires.

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Christopher Boothby (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Relationship work involves unpacking unconscious internal responses to our partners, rooted in the relationships we witnessed in childhood. My work with relationships draws from my training in Hakomi, and specifically the approach of Rob Fisher, author of Experiential Psychotherapy With Couples, as well as models such as those of Harville Hendrix (Imago work) and John Gottman. I also conceptualize from the perspectives of Attachment Theory (Bowlby) and Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin).

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Kelle DeBruin (she/her/hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT, Supervisor

Counseling is an important part of both pre-marital and marriage counseling as it enforces healthy communication patterns and emotional connection with each other. As these understandings becomes more clear for the couple, areas of emotional connection, mutual respect, commitment and desire for each other continue to develop and become meaningful aspects in the relationship.

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August Wagner (he/him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

I have tailored my education specifically for working with couples and have a passion for helping people in love better express their feelings for one another. Chosen relationships are at the very heart of what makes life meaningful and can be a source of boundless joy. There is also tremendous stress and difficulty inherent in anything that holds such a valuable place. Conflict is normal, and can be done in a way that maintains (an even promotes!) authenticity, respect, and love.

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Matia Kelly, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Couples choose to work with me for many reasons, but my approach particularly aligns with couples who have concerns related to failing to connect and/or understand your partner, navigating differing values, personalities and habits, two-career households, co-habitating, work/life balance, thinking about and/or making a long-term commitment, and life transitions such as the addition of a new child.

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Yael Kievsky (she/her/ella)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


In my work with couples I draw directly from restorative and transformative justice, where I learned the values of radically shared wellness, a sense of wellbeing that is deeply accountable and co-constructed within each relationship (families, couples, polycules, etc). I have advanced training in EFT for working with couples, a compassionate and deeply effective attachment based approach for transforming relationship patterns.

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Bex Mertulien (They/Them)

Professional Counselor Associate

Registered Associate R7909

I work with couples, polycules and other intimate relationships navigating issues like trust, nonmonogamy and security.

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Leah Haas (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I support LBGTQIA2S+ and straight individuals and couples in traditional and non-traditional relationships heal attachment wounding, improve communication, and learn how to resolve conflict so they can have more secure and satisfying relationships. I help address challenging relationship dynamics such as desire discrepancies and infidelity. I offer support to clients and families navigating and adjusting to divorce and breakups.

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Sabrina Walters (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT, LPC, Certified Gottman Therapist

Helping relationships heal and prosper is my passion. So often couples struggle and have no one to help them connect. That is what we do best. Give you tools through our training as a Gottman Certified therapist and relationship coach. We will cultivate hope through practicing compassion and forgiveness and bring you to a better place~

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Mary Bruce-Owenby (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LGBTQIA-affirmative couples therapist

I thoroughly enjoy helping couples move from pain and isolation to joy and connection. I have specific training and expertise working with couples and work collaboratively with you to deescalate negative cycles, restructure and rebuild trust, and practice strengthening the emotional bond. Please note that I do not accept insurance for couples work.

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Joshua Bogart (He/Him/His)

Professional Counselor Associate


Are you feeling lonely or disconnected in your relationships? Do you find yourself struggling to form healthy, fulfilling connections with others? If so you are not alone! In our sessions, I help you explore the underlying factors that may be contributing to your difficulties in forming close healthy relationships. Through this understanding, you will be able to develop new skills and strategies to connect with others. You can learn to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and build intimacy.

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Emily Palmgren (she/they)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

M.A. Marriage, Couple, Family Therapy

Our intimate relationships directly impact our wellbeing. In my work with partnerships, I emphasize safety, mutuality, and care. I want to ensure all partners are feeling heard - that you're really talking, and really listening. Whether you are seeking deeper intimacy or wanting to end the relationship compassionately, I can support you towards meeting your relational desires.

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Gabriel Trees (He / Him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Masters of Arts, Marriage, Couple & Family Therapy

I'm here to help you get back on track. Let’s strengthen your relationships by understanding disruptive patterns, learning new skills for connection, and creating greater intimacy. Relationship struggles are real. I offer a wide range of expertise to help you create balance, clarity, and fulfillment within your relationships.

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Jordan Curtis (He/him)

Professional Counselor Associate


I am trained in emotionally focused therapy (EFT) for relationships. This approach can help platonic, monogamous, and polyamorous relationships to change underlying negative relationship patterns. It has been found to be clinically effective with low relapse. In EFT, we work to: *Identify and step out of subconscious feedback cycles *Communicate more clearly *Respond more effectively *Work as a team *Increase engagement & availability *Repair relationship injuries *Strengthen bonds & intimacy

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Guillaume Counseling Services (She/Her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


We specialize in relationship counseling, offering pre-marital and marital counseling, individual therapy/family addressing mental health and relationship issues, as well as couples therapy focusing on just the relationship. We work with clients dealing with infidelity issues, in-law issues, cultural differences, as well as general relationship problems.

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Evoke Therapy LLC (they, them)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


Relationships can come with struggles, whether that be in the area of communication, intimacy, and/or attachment issues. I utilize the Gottman Method to assist individuals and couples in navigating relationship challenges effectively. This evidence-based approach focuses on strengthening communication, fostering trust, and resolving conflicts constructively. I work with a diversity of relationship dynamics such as open relationships, kink, and non-traditional partnerships.

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Sarah Craycraft

Licensed Professional Counselor


Communication, conflict resolution, affair recovery, and boundaries are just a few topics in marriage relationships that I can help with.

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Sprout Therapy PDX

Licensed Professional Counselor

LPC, LMFT, LCSW, Associates

Our team loves working with couples and relationships of all kinds! We have expertise working with open, poly, or ethically non-monogamous individuals, couples, and polycules.

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Jamie Lee (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


I am an experienced couple's counselor who uses both Gottman approaches and Family Systems to help people navigate the challenges and joys of relationships.

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Congruent Therapy: Italia Hensley (She/Her/Hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

MS, LMFT, CNM-Certified

Supporting you in fostering healthy and happy relationships, be that individually, couple, ethically non-monogamous, or polyamory, is my bread and butter. I believe in dependency and individualism in relationships. Many people do not like the word dependent, defined as "a person who relies on another." But what is a relationship? It is "the way in which people are connected." Connection and trust are the cornerstone of this. You must have both and it is my pleasure to help you find them.

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Jennie Towne

Licensed Professional Counselor


Are you looking to create deeper connections in your relationships? Relationships can be challenging. Our desire for change is often only realized when we are already in pain. It can be difficult to admit we are struggling or unhappy. Through our work together, we will focus on healthy communication, setting boundaries, how to manage conflict, and create a deeper understanding of self.

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G. Ravyn (Ravyn) Stanfield (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate Counseling, EMDR trained, Licensed Acupuncturist

I work with all kinds of relationships and relationship styles/configurations including monogamous couples, blended families, chosen family, and folks practicing ethical non-monogamy.

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Chris Lehman

Licensed Professional Counselor


I have specific training in Relationship and Marriage Issues from Portland State University. I work on daily basis with individuals, couples, and families on relationship issues.

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Harley Steen (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I'm trained in and use the following tools and models in my work with couples: Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy (PACT) Gottman Theory For Couples

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caroline sabi (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


EFT, Emotionally Focused couple counselor.

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Steve Harper (He)

Professional Counselor


We are all unique in gender expression, and also follow predictable evolved emotional patterns. Women and men can have similar needs while also perceiving and experiencing each other differently. We may desire acceptance, connection, and intimacy from others, as well as for our individual freedom, security, growth, and fulfillment. Improved communication begins with better connecting to ourselves.

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Mark Pechovnik

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Relationship problems often stem from unrealistic expectations about what our partners are meant to do for us. Therapy helps transform expectation into appreciation. In the end, our romantic relationships can be wonderful and deeply intimate friendships of mutual support and care.

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Mitch Bacon, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

I hold a Master's Degree in Couples, Marriage, and Family Therapy. Relationship issues are my area of specialization. I work with you in addressing the relationship challenges you face, understanding the underlying emotions, and building strategies for healthier communication.

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Gemma Baumer (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor, M.A. in Counseling

There is no guidebook for being in relationship. We are often confused by the culture we live in which promotes the romanticization of beginnings, and the notion that another could meet our every need. This can be a recipe for disappointment, because relationships take continuous work and tending. Relationships are deeply activating for us as humans because our most formative experiences occurred in our attachment relationships, where we were intrinsically motivated to meet our needs to survive.

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Eden Baron-Williams (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MA, Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

I have specialized training in working with couples and relational systems. I particularly enjoy working with queer relationships. I have additional training in sexualities, kink/BDSM, polyamory, open relationships, and couples in transition.

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Terri Mishler, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

When relationships become more difficult or unfulfilling, talking with a therapist can enable the couple to make changes. Improvement in communication and feeling connected to one another are reasonable goals for therapy.

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Carlyn Glaser (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Years of doing therapy with couples

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Laura Wozniak (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I love helping people create and maintain happy supportive relationships where they can be at their best. I work with same-gender and male-female relationships as well as parent-child, sibling and work relationships. I have training in Gottman and other approaches such as dialogue. In relationship work, I am directive and support the relationship as my client where possible. I work to enhance couple bonding and bring in some lightness where possible to defuse negative interpretations

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Corey Griggs (He/Him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


I have focused on Marriage, Couples and Family counseling throughout my master’s program.

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Michael Morales (he/his)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Working with couples, especially in moments when everything is hitting the fan, is when I most come alive in this work. It allows me to bring all of my previous professional experience to the forefront. Working with youth in crisis (foster care, in-home, and community-based mental health), individuals in group homes (mental health and developmental needs), and a variety of agencies has prepared me for the range of challenges that surface in the couple relationship. It’s where I do my best work.

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Dr. Kimberly Christensen

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


My couples work is enhanced by Emotion-Focused Therapy which informs a highly integrated and healing-focused approach to my clients. Through this approach, we work to strengthen your inner voice, which cultivates a healthier voice in your relationships. Fostering communication is a primary focus for couples looking to heal difficult patterns and addictive behaviors.

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Ladan Radafshar (She/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Using Emotionally Focused Therapy, we will explore relational triggers and places you both feel stuck. We will bring awareness to the negative relational cycle unique to every couple. We will understand and resolve unhelpful communication patterns while deepening the quality of your communication and connection. Together we will process emotional responses, and create a positive shift in your interpersonal interactions, moving toward a secure bond of trust and intimacy.

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Jaxon Shaffer (they/them)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


As a Marriage and Family Therapist Associate, my training and practice are heavily rooted in relationship dynamics of all kinds, from family of origin, to romantic relationships, to friendships, to relationship with ourselves. I enjoy working with couples and families as well as individuals who are struggling with, or are looking to strengthen their relationships.

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Katie Eichner (she/her)

Clinical Psychologist


Humans need each other, and can also cause one another immense amounts of pain. We may use the therapeutic relationship as a place to explore relational patterns, practice new ways of being, and strengthen the capacity for intimacy and ability to navigate conflict. We may also explore how past relationships, starting in childhood, can affect current patterns and how to heal attachment wounds to promote deeper and more joyful connections with others.

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Jed Rendleman (he/him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


I believe that strong relationships are fundamental to happiness and satisfaction. You have the ability to build and maintain intimacy and you can improve your skills with practice (I give homework!). Good therapy helps you understand what you and your partner are feeling and respond appropriately. I have training in emotionally focused therapy, a technique that hones couples’ attachment skills and communication. I am a kink, poly, and queer friendly therapist.

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Tyler Moore (He/Him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


As a therapist with 3 years of specialized training in relationship issues, I work collaboratively with couples to navigate challenges and strengthen their bond. My approach emphasizes open communication, empathy, and mutual understanding. Together, we'll identify shared goals and develop strategies to foster a more resilient, fulfilling partnership.

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Kate McNulty

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

My professional career has been devoted to the mystery of what it takes to have great relationships. After all, what is more important in life? I have trained intensively with John Gottman and Dan Wile, widely recognized experts in this field, and can help you quickly switch from ineffective to effective habits and behaviors, to bring you the loving relationship you deserve.

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Matthew Beeble (He/Him)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Everyone needs others in their life, yet everyone is unique. This can contribute to conflict and other difficulties. These difficulties can be most pronounced in romantic relationships and it's easy for bad habits of communication to lead to deep hurt. I want to help you understand your role in these dynamics in order to increase your ability to have successful and resilient bonds with others.

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Del Likins (he/they)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


◦ Attachment repair: Family of origin traumas, reparenting, addiction issues ◦ Gender & sexuality: coming out, Intimacy & sex; mind-body connection; somatic experiences in intimacy ◦ Relationship transformations: Feelings of stuckness or staleness; boredom; liberatory approaches to relationship ◦ Mindful Matrimony: Premarital counseling; wedding worries/family blending; separation & divorce. ◦ Navigations of non-monogamy: opening up; navigating boundaries; kink dynamics; sex work

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Dasia Star (she/they)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Master of Arts in Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapy

When stuck in a challenging pattern of conflict, it can be hard to maintain hope. I am passionate about supporting monogamous and ethically non-monogamous partners in rediscovering connection, trust, communication, and care. Let's together cultivate compassion for the places you get stuck and learn new ways of relating that better serve your relationship. I truly believe that intimate relationships can be life-affirming and hope to help you foster more love and authenticity in your partnership.

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Julia Bennion (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

In working with couples, I utilize the Gottman Method, a well-researched approach to relationship counseling. This method is rooted in decades of empirical research, identifying specific behaviors and communication patterns that contribute to relationship success. This therapy offers practical tools and interventions to enhance communication, build intimacy, and manage conflicts effectively.

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Kelly Reams MSW, BCD Psychoanalyst (She/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Lcsw, bcd

I have extensive experience working with couples and/or individuals dealing with relationship and marital issues. My analytic training with both attachment and relational theories provide the theoretical and technical skills that enable me to tailor a treatment approach that matches the individual or couple's needs. I am currently seeking consultation to expand my knowledge and skill level.

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Steven Cohn

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


PhD in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute (Class President. Internship Specialization in Marriage and Family Counseling) MA Degree in Clinical Psychology from John F Kennedy University (Marriage Counseling and Family Counseling Specialization) MBA Degree with an emphasis in Finance from WP Carey School of Business (Advisory Board Thesis Award) BS Degree with an emphasis in Marketing from WP Carey School of Business (with Honors)

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Irma E. Llanes (she/her/ella)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Relationships are complex. They require a lot of care & maintenance. I draw experience from my own 20+ years of marriage as well as facilitate couples forums where developing communication, connection, respect & strengthening the partnership are key. I have worked with couples that are dating, recently married, remarried couples, 'empty nest' couples, and same sex partners.

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Cary (Lazara) Coll

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

For the past eight years, I have worked with many couples on strengthening their relationship. We can work together on identifying the barriers that challenge your relationship and replacing them with behaviors that promote a positive fulfilling relationship.

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Leif Moa-Anderson (He/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Whether you are a part of a couple (or poly) or just come in by yourself, or maybe it's about platonic or work relationships, this has been the main focus my academic studies. My Masters degree is actually in Systems Psychology, which is basically the perspective that an individual's psychology is driven, at least in part, by all of the systems with which they are connected or even have been connected. I have helped many clients improve their relationships with themselves and others.

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Alana Ogilvie (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


As a marriage and family therapist my primary expertise is in working with couples facing a variety of issues and concerns. I have experience working with emotional unavailability and disconnection, communication differences, divorce and conscious un-coupling.

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Benita Munson (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


During our sessions we will review what is working and what is not working. We will identify your negative interaction cycle in the relationship, taking steps to break it down and improve it. I have completed an EFT couples training as well as participate in an EFT couples consultation group. I weave in Gottman strategies, as well as Terry Real to build support. I believe humor can be an important part of therapy as well.

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Sawyer Salameh

Licensed Professional Counselor

I focus on systemic struggles from culture to family to relationships. Having both people in the relationship helps to do work in the moment and make big changes.

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Bryanna Goodman

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

All couples are welcome at Refresh Therapy. Whether you are dating, living together, engaged, married or anything in between—couples therapy can be a great way to improve your relationship. We believe that each couple has its own unique challenges and history, and we tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

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Jessica Baker, M.A. LMFT (She/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

B.S. Health Psychology, M.A. Counseling, LMFT

I love working with people to help them find ways to live well together. I am open to seeing couples of all orientations and backgrounds. Some of the issues I specialize in are parenting, sexual issues, health, finances, infidelity and effective communication.

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Jessica Butler (She/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


You're both really motivated to make your relationship stronger and healthier. You need support in handling conflict and understanding one another. Many of us don't have good examples of how we'd like to relate to our partner and, with help, it's possible to build the relationship you deserve.

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C.J. Sanders (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

OR #T2235

I am passionate about healthy relationships! I have the education, training, and experience to help you and your partner work toward a more satisfying relationship. Throughout the therapy experience, you and your partner can move from distance to bonding, isolation to intimacy, and confused communication to understanding.

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Amanda Best (she/her/hers)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


I specialize in identifying and helping couples break free from repetitive, unproductive patterns of conflict. Together, we'll explore the underlying issues and develop healthier ways to communicate and resolve disagreements. We'll develop conflict resolution skills tailored to your unique dynamics. You'll learn how to manage disagreements constructively, leading to greater harmony and intimacy in your relationship. My goal is not just to resolve the current conflict but to help you both grow.

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Ashley Adler (she/her/hers)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Master of Arts in Marriage, Couples, and Family Therapy

Conflict is an inevitable part of a loving, committed relationship. Sometimes, we need help finding our way through the challenging times. Maybe you’re stuck in the same pattern and tired of feeling misunderstood and overwhelmed. You really want to cultivate a deeply loving and connected relationship. You care about your partner(s). Relationships are hard, and you’re ready for change.

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Jennifer Rocks, MA, MS, PsyD (she/her)

Clinical Psychologist

MA, MS, PsyD

Listening to your stories and really hearing your concerns, I can help partners identify and understand their needs and goals for the relationship. Possible outcomes: improved emotional understanding and connection, improved communication, improved sexual connection. Sex positive, body positive, queer-affirmative.

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Caitlin "Caity" Lynch (They/She)

Licensed Professional Counselor


We'll work collaboratively to decide on common goals for your relationship, discern unhelpful relationship patterns, work to understand why those made sense and helped you previously, and how to move forward with empathy for each other, meeting individual needs, and healthier relational habits. I use Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) based on Dr. Sue Johnson's experience and research to guide our relational work.

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Sarah Howeth (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


The heart of what I do is support couples and relationships in our community. You may be feeling lonely, stuck, hopeless, frustrated or misunderstood. You love and care about each other, but lately it has been feeling hard to connect. You want the sweet, easy connection and intimacy that you had earlier in your relationship, and mostly just long to feel deeply seen, heard and understood.

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Cameron Kemper (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Masters degree in Clinical Psychology

I have extensive training and experience working with relationship issues for individuals and understand the most effective ways to teach you how to reframe problem issues in your relationship and develop the communication skills necessary for you to create a healthy relationship. I was supervised for two years by Dr. Matt McKay who is a respected expert in couples counseling who has written Couples Skills.

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Naomi Painter (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Relationships are hard. Even when things are outwardly going well, you may have a sense of dis-ease and doubt, or you may not be sure whether this is a healthy relationship. Talking with friends will only go so far. I can help you listen to yourself and elevate your partnership, even if your partner is not accompanying you.

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Jesse Cetz (he/him)

Student Counselor

I specialize in relationship counseling as a master's candidate in a marriage, couple and family counseling program. I have taken a week-long training (Externship) in Emotionally Focused Therapy to gain skills with how to help facilitate meaningful conversation between parters.

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Hanna Basel (She/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Whether a relationship is fresh or seasoned, adjusting to life and family changes, or reeling from a betrayal such as an affair or addictions, these patterns of distress and disconnection are clear and consistent. More importantly, subsequent repair and reconnection are just as clear and consistent, and so is the evidence of what makes a positive impact in couples counseling / marriage counseling. As a highly trained and experienced couples therapy I know what makes a difference.

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Family Ties Counseling Center

Licensed Professional Counselor

Relationship Counseling becomes a safe place where both you and your partner(s) can find and rest in the deeper connection of the love you all share. Healthy committed relationships are about balancing connection & intimacy with independence & autonomy. Ideally, each influences and helps the other. Relationship therapy helps to achieve this balance in your relationship.

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Camillia de la Garza Thompson (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Relationships are the foundation of life. Quite literally. They are also where our greatest struggles arise, even in chosen relationships. This complexity can sometimes overwhelm and confuse us, while enticing us to lean into old patterns. You have stories. And they are welcome here... without taking over. Through an exploration of present and past experiences, I make use of experiential modalities to create new experiences that allow for an expanded sense of what is possible in relationship.

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Ashley Parkinson (she/her/hers)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Our relationships are the heart and soul of our lives--they often are what makes us get out of bed in the morning, and what gives us reason to grow, learn, and become better people. When our relationships aren't working, or when they are abusive, destructive, or harmful, we have difficulty functioning well in other areas of our lives. I support my clients in working toward healthy relationships through identifying the longstanding patterns that have become unseen obstacles to change.

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Gillian Chachere

Qualified Mental Health Professional

I offer couples counseling to partners of all orientations and genders. Relationships are hard, and sometimes we need someone to help us hear and be heard. I establish firm ground rules and maintain them, making sure that everyone feels safe being vulnerable.

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Annette Smith (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

MA, NCC, LPC Registered Associate

How we are within relationships can greatly affect our quality of life. I work with individuals to support their relationships to include open/non-monogamous relationships.

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Patrick Bluett (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Working from an attachment lens, I help my clients uncover the ways their behaviors impede their ability to connect deeply with others and practice secure ways to improve their loving relationships. I work with individuals and couples to improve communication, behaviors and loving practices to develop partnerships that serve each individual and bridge gaps in communication and physical intimacy.

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Greta Reitinger (She/Her/Hers)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Whether starting a new friendship or in the 40th year of marriage, relationships can rock us to the core. We are often driven by early attachment wounds, fears and needs. Wired for connection, we find fulfillment and health through social connection - yes, that goes for introverts too. If you are struggling to connect, therapy can help. Couples: Check this useful Gottman primer:

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Jason Durtschi

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

I have worked with couples, as well as polyamorous/open relationships for more than 10 years and have completed related trainings.

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Jeff Guenther (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I have a masters degree in marriage and family therapy. My training in couples counseling best fits couples that have been together a shorter time and would like to steer clear of repeating old unhealthy habits from past relationships. I see many couples that would like premarital counseling or couples that are newly married and experiencing some road bumps in their relationship.

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Julia Perretta (She/Her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist trained in EFT and Gottman based approaches. I pull from theoretical paradigms such as IFS/IFIO (in training), attachment/interpersonal neurobiology, and somatic experiencing. Challenges with communication, trust, infidelity, connection, parenting/blended families, repair, and intimacy are often themes in my work with couples. I welcome couples in all phases of their relationship.

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Day Adams (he/him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


All relationships involve tension and conflict at times. The habits, expectations, and values we carry into our relationships impact how we're able to work together with the people we love. In talking about these different things we're carrying, and how we experience them with our partners, we open doors to being able to be in relationships in preferred ways.

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Jackie Turner (she, her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MA, Marriage & Family Therapist Associate

​In couples and relationship therapy, I will compassionately challenge you to identify and grow from your well-worn patterns and do the brave work of stepping into more authentic connection with your partner. Healing comes when it is meant to, and often when we least expect it. Sometimes we have to move through the muck and the messiness for awhile before we reach moments of breakthrough. I provide a safe and positive container for you to move through difficulty and into deeper relationship.

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Richard Halpern (he/him)

Professional Counselor

M.A., Trauma Informed Coach

I've been teaching the class: 'Helping Children Cope With Family Change' for 4 years as a Parent Educator for Multnomah County Family Court Services. I have met with hundreds of parents in a discussion group format, all of whom are moving through conflict which resulted in a separation or divorce. My approach is to offer practical solutions and experiential exercises to encourage communication.

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Miranda Bayard-Clark, LPC (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Relationships can be hard, and just like owning a car, relationships need some regular maintenance to make sure it's running smoothly. Whether couples are healing from infidelity, adjusting to new roles as parents, or just coming in to improve communication, I support couples in their journey towards a deeper and more intimate understanding and connection. See my website for assessments offered.

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Julia Chapman (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT T1622

I have experience working with couples on issues ranging from sexual and emotional intimacy to infidelity and life transitions. My work with couples centers on changing patterns of communication and developing more positive ways of interacting. I help couples explore how past relationships, childhood wounds and feelings about themselves creep into their relationships in unwanted ways.

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Connective Therapy Collective

Licensed Professional Counselor


I'm in your corner, whatever the hurdle. Relationships are tough, so is the process of finding a person who understands. I have extensive experience with non-traditional relationships including BDSM/ kink couples, non-monogamous, or other lifestyles. I take a collaborative, strengths focused approach using Gottman, EFT and systems approaches to reconnection.

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Holly Wigmore (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Working with relationships is a unique opportunity to enter the venn diagram where the experiences of two individuals meet. I have experience in work with couples where trauma or mental health concerns are impacting relational function. I see relationship therapy as a unique opportunity to help improve how you function together and work to heal old attachment wounds. I utilize EFT and family systems frameworks to increase your understanding of one another and your emotional experiences.

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Jon Fox

Licensed Professional Counselor


In our individual or couples counseling sessions you can learn: How to communicate your needs to your partner in a more effective way; What are your spouse’s triggers and how do you use this knowledge to prevent fights and also learn to repair the damage when things go awry; How to treat your partner with compassion and empathy to foster greater understanding, respect, and acceptance.

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Guy Burstein (he/him)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I help couples identify negative emotional interactional styles rather than assigning blame. One safety has strengthened, the underlying emotions or hurt, anger, fear, and sadness emerge that allow couples to more deeply communicate while re-establishing trust. With trust strengthened, we can negotiate differences, heal past wounds, and let go of disconnecting beliefs and attitudes.

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Garrison Cox (he/him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Master of Arts in Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapy

Relationships are often hard, and yet they're also so often the core facets of our lives. Relational therapy is a great place to untwist what often feels like an unsolvable puzzle. Through direct emotional experience in therapy, you can work toward making space in your relationship for love and connection and learning how to walk together through challenging experiences.

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Brandt Hueser

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Marital issues often arise when couples have to deal with a crisis or a loss of intimacy. Couples therapy can be a supportive place to address power issues, improve direct communication, and re-establish intimacy.

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Amanda Lowrey (she/her/hers)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


Utilizing Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) and the Gottman Method, I work with adult families and couples in resolving various issues! EFT concentrates on strengthening trust and bond between partners, while looking at how individuals process their experiences, emotions, patterns of interaction, and attachment. The integration with the Gottman Method's practical tools and interventions allows us to explore together the "dance" of interactions and emotional attunement.

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Anthony Marchant

Licensed Professional Counselor

Extensive experience and training in relationship issues and tools related to improving relationship.

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Sakura Counseling (She/He/They)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Conflicts may arise at any stage in a relationship. Sometimes these conflicts grow in complexity despite our best efforts to resolve them on our own. Whether you’re a in new relationship, married, or facing separation, we can work with you to navigate and resolve the challenges you are facing. Our counseling clinic restores relationships through expert guidance, fostering understanding, effective communication, and renewed emotional connection.

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Kevin Lang (He/Him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I have completed the ICEEFT externship for Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT). I am qualified to state I am an EFT trained therapist.

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Catherine Cooney (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Borrowing from my training in the Gottman method, Imago and Emotionally Focused Therapies, I have been honored to be part of the healing for many couples in both traditional and non-traditional relationship orientations.

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Carewell Portland Carewell Portland/Julie Berman (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Hate each other? Just friends without sex? Looking outside your relationship to get your needs me? Are you entitled to happiness? I believe you are. I can help you locate the problems, work on them and ask tough questions about your current relationship(s) so that you can find a solution. Stay or go? Work on it or not? I am also a member of SASH, The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health.

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Beth Bloom (she/her)

Clinical Psychologist


I have both the training and clinical experience to treat issues related to relationships, including interpersonal conflict, difficulty maintaining connections, problems with intimacy, sexual dysfunction, and divorce.

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Stuart Malkin (he/him/they)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I help partners identify undesired ways of relating, communicate in healthier and more connecting ways, and make different choices in relating. I use experiential, mindfulness, and attachment based approaches to help couples experience better understanding, empathy, and skills in connecting with each other.

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Jennie Hayes, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor


From the second we're born, relationships challenge us at our deepest level. Safety, vulnerability, shame, betrayal, commitment: they hit on our greatest fears and meet our fundamental needs. It's a place where we can grow the most and the fastest. I love working with couples because it's all right there in the room, in the moment, to be explored and unpacked and learned from.

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Candice Guertin (She/Her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MFT Registered Associate

Communication Attachment Parenting Styles Fun/Play in Relationship High Ability/ Functioning Autism Giftedness in Relationship Creatives & Artists in relationship Relational growth/ understanding

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Sunya Grantham

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

I approach this work by identifying patterns of interaction couples find themselves stuck in. Work includes focusing on understanding the needs of the other and learning to appreciate differences. Work around infidelity consists of determining relationship commitment, examining the dynamics of the relationship before the affair, and rebuilding the trust of the hurt partner.

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Sarah Ellenwood (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I provide an EFT and experiential approach to relationship issues. I have worked with relationships that are a few months old to many decades long. Couples that are ready to change their communication issues and address hurts that need repair. I can help with discernment of relationship status and separation as well. I have worked with couples that are non-monogamous or who are considering opening up.

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Vedalia Zellers (she/they)

Clinical Social Work Associate


Therapy is all about relationships, including your relationship to yourself, others, and any communities of which you are a part. Often, people's experiences of being hurt by others in past relationships interrupts their ability to form new connections that feel safe, joyful, and fulfilling. In therapy, we can work toward a deeper healing that paves the way for deeper connection.

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Meghan O'Connor (they/them/she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Has a previously fluid and easy connection dissolved into fighting, blaming, emotional disconnection, or indifference? Differences in values causing stress or resentment? Wanting to reestablish intimacy and closeness? I have specialized training to help couples and individuals break patterns that cause fighting, improve communication, and strengthen connection.

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Emily Berry (she/they)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Attachment, intimacy, and connection are basic human needs that we all struggle to find and maintain in fulfilling ways. I support my clients in staying connected to their authentic self, while also cultivating an ability to connect and relate to others with more ease, whether it is with partners, family, friends, colleagues, or others.

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Carrie Sturrock (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

Professional Counselor Associate

Relationships, whether a marriage or deep friendship, can be fundamental to our sense of security and safety in the world. When a relationship becomes challenging, it can feel frustrating and truly scary. Figuring out how to navigate relationship troubles by figuring out your own inner emotional map can help you regain a sense of balance.

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Beverley Duke-Young (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

B.S, M.S.

As a student of Terry Real's Relational Living, I embrace the principals of building and practicing respectful relationships, which often is learning to improve communication skills. Learning what you grew up in from your own family of origin suggests where some of the unhealthier attitudes grew out of. What kind of relationship do you want to create? What would you like to change in how you show up in your relationship? How will you feel when these changes are made?

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Amanda Fitzpatrick (She/they)

Marriage and Family Therapist


I believe that we are conceived in relationship and continue to move in, out, and through relationships our entire lives. These relationships teach us how to love, how to hurt, how to learn, how to exist in our bodies, how to judge and hold prejudice, how to forgive. I am a dedicated relationship counselor and have pursued specific additional training for working with neurodiverse, multicultural, and polyamorous relationships.

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Chad Ernest, MS, LPC (He/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor

I have a lifetime of experience, both personal and professional, with helping couples work through relationship issues. Struggling with communication, thinking about divorce/breaking up, or just fighting a lot? I can help.

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Christine Bethel (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


For me, relationships make the world go 'round! I am passionate about couples, helping them grow, heal, and feel fulfilled in the context of their relationships. My work includes: partners who are dating, newlyweds experiencing challenges, empty nesters spicing things up, partners wrestling with separation, married, unmarried, traditional and non-traditional relationships.

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Sophie Bloch Miller (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I am a Certified Relational Life Therapy clinician. I work from this model as my foundation and encourage clients to become familiar with the work of Terry Real. We will look at your relationship(s) together, with curiosity and without judgment, to better understand the agonizing patterns that you find yourself in. We will then work from from the inside out and build new skills. I additionally have completed Training in Gottman Couples Therapy (levels 1, 2 and 3).

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Heather Rensmith (she, her, hers)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Sex and relationship therapy using various modalities to help achieve relationship satisfaction. Trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy and Gottman Method.

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Kellie Collins, MS, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I have worked with many couples of all orientations to learn now to communicate and build a better life together. Here are some topics I work with most often: Navigating the path to intimacy Effectively sharing and communicating emotions Creating romance between best friends Juggling career, children, and intimacy Being vulnerable Building and repairing the safety of trust

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Pearl Waldorf

Licensed Professional Counselor

Sometimes working with an individual or group therapist to sort through our relationship issues can save our most tenuous connections. Rather than placing the pressure directly on relational struggles that are founded on insecure attachment strategies, why not make room for ourselves to discover our deeper solidity and bring this back into our connections.

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Abe Hatch

Licensed Professional Counselor


Abe uses Emotion-Focused Therapy for couples (EFT-C). Couples are helped to clarify their emotional reactions to each other, become more aware of their real needs, and understand how their emotional vulnerabilities are catalysts for negative cycles of conflict. Abe will guide you into creating new, positive cycles of interaction.

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Vinnie Gwozdz (He/Him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Relationships are hard. Relationships are also a fundamental part of being human. Together in our therapeutic relationship we can explore this tricky conundrum of building and maintaining your relationships with family and friends and co-workers and romantic partners. This can be some of the most rewarding and healing work in all of therapy!

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Andrew Griffes

Professional Counselor


Relationship is a path that demands humility and courage. Because the oldest and deepest wounds tend to surface in connection with a committed partner, it is here that you have the opportunity to bring deep healing. I have trained in the Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT), incorporating attachment work with functional neurobiology to offer you support toward healthy relationship.

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Sarah Lange (She/Her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MFT Associate

I use Emotional Focused relationship therapy techniques. I also help clients stop avoiding conflict and start getting their needs met with their partners.

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Anne Pippert (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Trained in Gottman Method couples therapy (level 2 certification).

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Melissa Owens LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor


I am trained and experienced in a variety of approaches to relationship and marital issues, including anger, cruelty, withholding, infidelity, sexual problems, addictions, trauma and emotional reactivity.

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Emaline Friedman (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Our greatest vulnerabilities lie with our major relationships. My psychoanalytic approach to therapy is extremely well-suited to working with relationship, marriage, and family issues. I support clients in understanding relationship issues at the root and problem-solving in the present.

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Brad Poser, MS, CRC

Professional Counselor Associate

I have a focus on Non-Monogamous or open relationships. These partnerships can be difficult to navigate. Despite intentions, jealousy, fear and difficulties with self worth can easily be present. Often, understanding support can be difficult to find.

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Karen Maloney, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

My hope is to understand what is contributing to the relational issues at hand. I've gained experience meeting with couples in private practice and community mental health. Relationships are a reality of life and my desire is for you to experience more satisfaction and enjoyment with others in your life. I have been trained in the Gottman Couples Therapy approach and apply it to our sessions.

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Terry Marshall

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Relationships...the most complex of psychological work. My work with couples is geared to conscious, intentional relationship, where safety and understanding is primary. I work with people on building healthy interactional patterns, in communication, affection and needs fulfillment. Giving clients tools to stop destructive patterns and develop patterns of connection and trust.

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Terra Anderson (they/them)

Somatic Practitioner


I love working with couples and polycules. I'm passionate about helping you create the relationship dynamics you desire.

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Arah Erickson (she/her/hers)

Professional Counselor Associate


I work with individuals who are struggling in some way in their current relationship. In these struggles we often find ourselves in a rut of thinking and a rut of communicating. In therapy my hope is to provide you a safe and non-judgmental space to connect to your own values, emotions and desires to help you gain more insight into your authentic path both in this relationship and in life.

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Julio Iñiguez (he/him)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I am trained as a Marriage Therapist and use a combination of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Gottman Method, and Sensorimotor Therapy to support couples in healing attachment injuries to develop a more attuned and satisfying relationship. Together we learn how to navigate conflict in a way that is productive and connecting rather than sweeping things under the rug and avoiding unspoken subjects. My goal is to help couples turn toward each other and develop trust and attunement.

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Christopher Marquardt (he/his/they/them)

Licensed Professional Counselor


We are all in relationship. I work with clients to improve, or increase, relationships. For those I see who in the couple's therapy portion of my practice, we work to understand emotions, increase communication and build skills to work together better.

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Katie Clark, LMHC, LPC (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Methods of treatment used are evidence-based, supported by research, and by the American Psychological Association (APA). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy are highly effective in helping shift relationship issues, so are the main methods I use in working with clients.

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Andrew Elmore, MSW,CSWA

Licensed Professional Counselor

Couple's Therapy can be sought for a multitude of reasons and one member of the couple may be more in favor than the other to seek out professional help. This is not unusual. I work with couples who are dating, married, same-sex, separating, divorcing, co-parenting-I believe that relationships are 'co-created' by the influence of each partner on the other and on the couplehood of the relationship.

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Caitlin Truitt (she/her/hers)

Clinical Social Work Associate


Past harm/trauma can cause us to operate off of relationship templates we learned from those who harmed us. We can get stuck in these patterns, often not understanding why. Other times, recent trauma can turn the relational equilibrium upside down. When one partner is struggling with the effects of PTSD, the other may have trouble adjusting or knowing how to respond. I work with trauma survivors and partners of trauma survivors to navigate these challenges and strengthen their relationships.

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Lorraine Storm

Licensed Professional Counselor

Every relationship experiences ebbs and flows, and while some degree of conflict is normal, at times it can get to a point where it seems impossible to solve it on your own. This is where a couples therapist can help. As a trained marriage and family therapist, I will help you better understand one another and reconnect to the love and excitement that made you fall in love in the first place.

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PK Foss (She/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I work from the Gottman Method of couples therapy, which is research based and tested and considered by many in the field, the most effective roadmap for helping relationships to become stable and happy. I also use Brainspotting as part of a wrap around couples therapy, to help each person move through issues that keep the relationship stuck.

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Tracey Hoffman (she/her)

Clinical Psychologist


Advanced training in Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy

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Tori Morrison (she/they)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


As a marriage, couple, and family therapist, I believe relationships are central to our experience of the world. I also believe that we often aren't given the relational tools we need in order to thrive in all relationships. Relationship counseling can be a transformative experience that provides new ways of connecting to yourself and to your partner(s). I typically utilize emotionally focused therapy and experiential therapy when working with couples and relationships.

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Megan Miller (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT, Holistic Coach

My practice is currently focused on individuals but I have many years of experience working with relationship issues as they present in therapy. I can support you in understanding the relationship template you were given from birth and how to navigate current relationships through greater emotional awareness and communication of your needs.

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Madeline Fox

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

We want freedom and intimacy. We want to feel like we’re at home and at the same time we want spontaneity. We want the security of deeply knowing someone but we’re afraid to let that person in. We seek everything from one person that a whole village used to provide. There are plenty of reasons why you might be feeling unsatisfied or hurt or betrayed or all of the of the above in your relationship.

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Alicia Turgesen (She/Her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


As a marriage and family therapist, I can't help but be curious about relationships. Friendships, romantic relationships, families, mentors, etc. So much of who we are is influenced by these connections, in both helpful and not-so-helpful ways. With that, it's nearly impossible not to bring stuff from previous relationships into current ones, and its often times the not-so-helpful stuff. I work with couples to sort through what's what and how to take the good and leave the rest.

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Tracy Bryce Farmer (she/they)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Relationships can be so tricky because the complex system of one person meets another complex system. Relationships offer the hope of feeling seen and understood. I can support your goals for increased connection along with the freedom to be yourself.

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Cat Bice (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I offer both discernment counseling and relationship counseling to couples that I work with, but which format we use depends on where the relationship is and what it needs. Discernment counseling is for couples "on the brink" of separation or divorce. They are neither committed to ending the relationship nor are they both committed to change. The format is 1-5 sessions with a focus on clarifying the dynamics between them, what would need to change and whether they are willing to do that work.

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Brittany Eide (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

I have extensive training through The Relationship School. I spent time learning how to help individuals have healthy relationship with the people in their lives. I received top-notch education and hours of practice honing many skills from a model of interpersonal intelligence.

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Tina Lilly, MS LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Relationship issues repeatedly surface in the clinical areas I specialize in (pregnancy, parenting, infertility, post-partum adjustment, dating, divorce). I also specialize in issues related to sexuality, for more info visit

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Krista Schimmelbusch

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


• Level 2 Certificate in Restoration Therapy (RT). • Trained in Play Therapy and Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT). • Member, American Association for Marriage, and Family Therapy (AAMFT).

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Gina Gratza (She/ Her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I am a trained couples therapist, with additional training in Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples. (EFT model by Sue Johnson). I also offer ADULT family therapy.

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Shannon Rice (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I am PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) Level 1 certified which supports my understanding of early attachment wounds and how to help couples thrive. I provide an experiential space to try out new ways of communicating and understanding one another through an attachment-based lens. You can learn to understand your internal cues, your partner’s cues, and how to support each other's regulation.

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Aaron Good (he/him/his)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I use an emotion-focused, systems, and nonviolent communication approach to helping individuals and couples improve their relationships. We'll work on building compassion for ourselves and our partners, and practice reflecting what our partners might be feeling.

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Leslie Yeargers (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LPC, LMFT, Certified Sex Informed Couples Counselor

Over time, we can lose the connection with our partner that brought us together in the first place. We become emotionally distant and out of touch with each other. By using emotion focused, non-violent communication, and integrative couples and sex therapy, I strive to help you strengthen your connection to each other and deepen your relationship.

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Su Yim, MSW, LCSW (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

As humans, we are wired to connect. When our connections confuse or hurt us, we suffer. But it doesn't have to end there. By learning our individual and relationship patterns, we can turn our hurt into a chance for even deeper, more resilient relationships. Through emotion-focused therapy, we can learn to change the dynamics between us without assigning blame or stonewalling.

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Christina Dunning (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Often times, coping skills that were helpful earlier in life become patterned ways of relating. While these can continue to serve us in certain situations, they can also get in the way of connecting meaningfully or can lead to conflict with those we love. In counseling, we can explore those patterns together and develop and practice new ways of relating and connecting.

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Susan Gulka (She/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Gottman method, communication patterns, conflict resolution, restoring closeness and partnership, adapting to children, intimacy

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Heather Lokteff

Licensed Professional Counselor

I work with couples who are wanting to increase their sense of vulnerability, partnership and security with one another. I also work with couples who are blending families and navigating being previously divorced. I use Emotion-Focused Therapy and the Gottman Method as well as my personal experiences to inform my practice.

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Amanda Ayala (she/her/ella)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


As a Marriage and Couple Family Therapist Associate, my training is both systemic and relational. I have advanced training in Emotionally Focused Therapy and lean into this model while working with couples. I specialize in working with multicultural, interracial, BIPOC couples along with Queer couples.

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Eric Nielson

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

A large part of my practice is working with couples. I think this work is particularly meaningful, as it gets to the heart of our ability to love and be loved. In my work with couples, I work primarily from a model called Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (often referred to simply as “EFT”). What I love about this model, simply put, is that it works. EFT has been well researched and has been demonstrated to be very effective with couples to facilitate lasting change.

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Richard Marshall

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


My Masters level training focused on family systems theory as used in the treatment of a wide variety of family problems, including couple and marital conflict. I have used this training since 2013 to help couples resolve conflict and foster deeper connection and relational well-being. I commonly use Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) and Relational Life Therapy (RLT) when working with couples.

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Julianna Vermeys

Licensed Professional Counselor


I use mindfulness tools, including somatic movement and awareness in therapy work with couples to offer a unique approach to sorting through and healing within relationship and marriage. I have expertise in family dynamics and systems to cultivate clarity and empowerment around family and partner relationships.

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Gayle Waitches

Licensed Professional Counselor


The quality of our relationships, particularly our intimate ones, is vital to our sense of life satisfaction. We need to feel connected, seen, loved and chosen. But relationships can also be challenging. Sometimes we rely on strategies that sabotage comforting connection. Creating a safe space to be vulnerable and unpack our protective and sensitive parts can allow for deeper intimacy.

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Michael Jolliffe (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Special education and personal experience with relationship and marriage issues, including specialized focus during internship.

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Sonia Holdaway (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Trained as a couples and family therapist, I specialize in relationship counseling. If you are feeling disconnected or like you seem to be just talking past each other, I can help. My approach is based in emotion-focused, family systems and Gottman principles, and our work provides a safe space for each of you to express yourself in new ways, using dynamic, in-the-room exercises to help interrupt hurtful patterns and create momentum towards a healthier partnership.

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Taylor Kravitz (She/Her/Hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I have extensive experience working with couples/partners to address relationship and marriage issues. I can help you and your partner(s) learn how to communicate in a way that feels more connecting, identify your strengths and appreciations for one another, find a way to balance both of your wants and needs, and feel more fulfilled in your relationship.

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Karel Chan

Licensed Professional Counselor


How we learn to seek and then engage in relationships is formed in our earliest experiences with others: our families of origin, parents, caregivers. Whatever our environment tells us we need to do in order to be loved — even if it hurts or actually feels bad — we do. We will find and nourish those tender, scared, confused spots within you, so that you can embark on seeking relationships already feeling whole, ready to give and receive love courageously and open-heartedly.

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Emily Smith (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


When our sense of communication and connection is “off” in our relationships, we can really suffer. I work from an Emotionally-Focused Therapy perspective with couples, and I help partners become aware of their relational patterns, provide space and guidance for processing conflict and emotional wounds, and help you lean into mutual vulnerability in order to strengthen attachment, love, and support within your relationship.

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Ann DeWitt

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

I love working with couples, especially couples with children. We naturally shift between issues that come up in the marriage and issues that come up with the kids.

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Griffin Smith (She/Her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Navigating the rollercoaster of relationships isn't just my job—it's been a big part of my life and my journey too (it turns out I'm a human who also has experienced relationship woes!) I've ridden the waves of love alongside my clients and continue to do so in my own personal experiences. In grad school, I primarily studied relational systems and made my focus couples' dynamics. I've worked extensively with couples in my practice and have also done couples specific training.

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Alexandra Leichter LCSW, LICSW, MSW (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

I have worked with couples and families throughout my career. I have experience with crisis management, when couples are experiencing acute marital issues, and general problem solving for on-going concerns. I have a special interest in working with couples who have already been married to other people and are experiencing discord after combining their families.

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Ken Kemp (he/him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


I help couples with marriage and relationship issues with Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples. This is a short-term, evidence-based treatment. I have completed the ICEEFT externship and am working towards full certification as an EFT certified therapist.

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Slade Wolf (he/him/his)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I help couples build the communication skills they need to respectfully resolve their conflicts while building emotional intimacy.

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Tever Nickerson

Licensed Professional Counselor


When working with couples, I focus on the relational elements between partners. This is often where the most conflict exists and where people feel the most hurt and confusion. I help partners find comfort and acceptance in asking for what they really need from each other. Even if there is frequently anger or mistrust I work to decrease the emotional pain and increase understanding.

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Sarah Felsted (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Using research based interventions, I help couples navigate conflicts such as communication, infidelity, and lack of connection. I utilize Gottman Method for Couples therapy as well as Emotionally Focused Therapy to deliver the most effective therapy for the couples that I work with. I recently completed training to become a Star Behavioral Health provider, which means that I am a civilian practitioner with military sensitivity. I welcome US service members.

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Nina Landey (she/they)

Licensed Professional Counselor

I focused on relationship issues in my Master's degree in Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling. I love working with people at all stages of relationships; pre-commitment, during parenting, or in high conflict times. I am happy to work with you on navigating communication, sexual issues, infidelity, or exploring the future of your relationship. I work with all kinds of relationships.

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Natalie Thomas (She/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Marriage takes work. That’s one thing we know for certain. Learning to navigate another persons needs, emotions, the ways that they move through life and communicate can be really difficult. I believe that through solid communication, and staying firmly rooted in our sphere of control, healthy relationships will emerge. I work with couples, and individuals to navigate communication issues, and to shed light on individuals roles in the problems at hand.

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"Paisley" Jen Burrell (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


If you're facing relationship challenges, combining Mindfulness and Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) is a collaborative process which acknowledges and validates your emotional complexities. Together we strive to de-escalate negative patterns, enhance communication, foster empathy, and deepen your understanding of each other. My approach equips you with tools to address the root causes of your relationship issues, empowering you both to strengthen your connection with resilience and understanding.

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Eric Abelow Blakeley (he/him)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Whether it be issues with friends, siblings, parents, children, or within any form of a "couple", navigating one's needs and boundaries within a relationship requires work. This work involves learning more deeply about the internal impressions left from your earliest relationships, the strengths and challenges surrounding those, and moving more into the present with the way you relate to yourself and others.

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Ronald L Johnson

Licensed Professional Counselor


I train both partners in meditation and mindfulness techniques so they learn to communicate without stress and use the relationship itself to enhance personal growth, awareness, and provide a lifelong spiritual path.

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Marc•francis Otto (they/them)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Our current struggles are often rooted in our earliest attachment relationships. These early patterns live in our body, in how we perceive and interact. By attuning to these patterns in a collaborative and compassionate way, we can learn how to rewire them and discover renewed resilience and ease.

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Jenny Kepler (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I have advanced training in couples therapy and specialize in helping couples stop fighting, break negative patterns and start partnering with more love, safety and trust. I'm passionate about helping couples express their individual voices while nurturing the relationship. I use attachment-orientated techniques from EFT to bring down the reactivity between you and start communicating better, giving you tools and teaching you expert skills along the way to a new, true partnership.

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Kathleen Thompson (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I generally work with individuals, but what we talk about is their relationships. Like it or not how people related to us in our early life generally continues to impact our adult relating until we can recognize patterns & learn to manage the flood of emotions that can erupt when we are with the people you love most. Let's work together to repair old & more recent relationships.

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Jason Wilkinson (He/Him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MA, MDiv

My desire to see people living as their best selves has motivated me to gain the necessary skills to be a marriage and couples counselor. If you ever once thought or believed that you were your best self alongside of your partner or spouse, and you are curious if you can be that way again, then I have the training to help you grow in communication and compassion to help you find out.

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Hunter Vaughn (He/Him)

Clinical Psychologist


My training allows me to work with couples using a variety of approaches including Dan Wile's work, Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples, and Gottman's theories and techniques (though I'm not yet certified in EFT-C or Gottman therapy). Couples are unique, multifaceted, and complex, and I strive to help them understand and resolve their conflicts, needs, strengths, and relationship dynamics.

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Donna Prinzmetal (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Struggles in relationships often have to do with individual stories and histories that are interfering in the present. Therapy can help couples find clarity when navigating an impasse, when trying to decide whether a relationship should continue, and can be effective when a relationship has lost its spark and there is a desire to enliven intimacy and connection.

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Heidi Savell (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I have training in the Gottman Method as well as Emotionally Focused Therapy, and I bring a blend of these two models to the work I do. I can help you improve communication, ease conflict, and deepen your understanding and compassion for yourself as well as your partner(s).

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Family Roots Therapy

Licensed Professional Counselor

Our couples counselors have completed training in using the Gottman method and specifically focus on helping couples transition to parenthood and navigate conflict around parenting. This can include co-parenting counseling with divorced or separated couples, as well as helping married couples improve parenting dynamics.

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Sarah Blaszczak, M.A, LMFT (She, her, hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT T1554

I work with people and their partners to resolve relationship issues, whether married, dating, polyamorous, gay, straight, or TGNC. I help people grow toward each other and into their authentic selves in relationships.

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Shawna Oliver, LCSW (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


It is important for couple to have a place where they can identify patterns that may be disruptive to the relationship. A place where positive both parties can be heard and communication can be strengthened.

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Kelly Washam (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


I provide couple counseling based on the works of Gottman and hope recovery. I utilize a variety of approaches to get to the core matter and help you reclaim the dynamic love of your relationship.

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Liz Ward (they/them)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Relationships are hard! It is completely normal to have ebbs and flows in our relationships, especially if they are long-term. Just because it's normal to hit rough patches doesn't mean it's easy to navigate. I am here to help you navigate next steps in your relationship, whether that is making conscious and intentional efforts towards staying in your relationship, or even if it means ending the relationship altogether.

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Cat Bice (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I practice relationship counseling from an EFT model which works best when both partners are interested in participating in counseling. This approach focuses on exploring the emotions underlying our behavior and healing old hurts by creating opportunities for connection. The sessions help couples see and understand their hurtful patterns of interaction, then change this cycle as core emotions and needs are attended to.

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Elizabeth Ellisan (they/them)

Licensed Professional Counselor

I love working with couples navigating the ways their relationship is changing over time. It is my goal to provide a safe, compassionate, and open space for you and your partner to identify what is working in your relationship and what isn’t. Seeking couples counseling is an incredibly vulnerable process and I strive to create a space where you feel safe to explore the tender parts of a relationship you’ve been nurturing for a while with your favorite human.

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Margot Standeven (she/her/hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Masters in Marriage, Couple, & Family Counseling

I specialize in couple counseling and the interactions between partners, with extensive training and supervision in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT).

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Sasha Rosenfels, MA, LMFT (She/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Though I don’t provide couples therapy, I do provide individuals therapy with a focus on improving relationships, particularly familial relationships. In sessions, you will be provided the opportunity to explore theses relationships, working to build tools and mindsets to help you and your loved ones thrive.

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Carly Henderson (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I am a Gottman Seven Principles and Bringing Baby Home trained educator and have completed the Gottman Level 1 couples training. Additionally, I have and continue to participate in graduate education and professional development in Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB). I incorporate the Gottman Method, IPNB, and Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) in my work with couples.

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Michelle Anderson (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I love working with queer couples and relationships. I work within an emotionally focused framework, meaning connecting via our feelings is the key to gaining closeness and healing attachment wounds. We may also delve into how each person's "protective parts" and unconscious messaging received in childhood are contributing to an unwanted relationship cycle.

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Gina DeLeo (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


As a marriage, couple, and family therapist, I believe relationships are central to our experience of the world. I also believe that we often aren't given the relational tools we need in order to thrive in all relationships. Relationship counseling can be a transformative experience that provides new ways of connecting to yourself and to your partner(s). I typically utilize emotionally focused therapy and experiential therapy when working with couples and relationships.

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