
The term self-esteem is used to describe a person's overall sense of self-worth and value. Most people's feelings about themselves change somewhat based on mood and daily life. Your self-esteem, however, is more fixed than the normal ups and downs. Low self-esteem can negatively affect your life and manifest itself in many different ways. Individuals with poor self-esteem are extremely critical of themselves and may be perfectionists, hypersensitive, jealous, defensive, withdrawn, hostile or clingy. They often have trouble making decisions and care excessively about pleasing others. A mental health professional can help you develop tools to boost your self-esteem and inner confidence.

Local experts in Self-Esteem

Jeanell Innerarity (She/Her)

Somatic Practitioner


I'll help you discover and affirm the deepest truth of who you are. You may have internalized critics or abusers from your family or society, or you may have had adverse experiences which cause you to doubt your self-worth. You may also have gifts and capacities which don't fit into a mainstream mold, causing you to doubt your own value rather than question the mold itself. You can start this work for FREE today with my mini-course, From Self-Critical to Self-Confident, available on my website.

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Amanda Holden, LPC, CADC-I (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


To help clients address self-esteem concerns, I use a combination of mindfulness skills, cognitive strategies, and the development of supportive narratives. With these tools, I assist clients in integrating shame resiliency skills into their daily lives.

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Liz Ortland (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


It is my strong belief that all humans are worthy of love and connection. Low self esteem is a learned behavior that develops through attachment wounding, traumatic experiences, and societal oppression. Through deep listening and unconditional caring, I help clients to explore the origins of their inner critic, unravel struggles with worthiness, and identify their values. I help to untangle appropriate guilt from unhealthy shame and to re-balance self-acceptance with taking responsibility.

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Alex MacLeod (he/him)

Professional Counselor Associate


From the moment you were born, all the way to the present moment, you've been learning how to treat yourself. Whether you're confused why you can't seem to give yourself a break, or even if you have a pretty good idea of how you got here, there are few wounds more painful than a ceaseless inner critic. In therapy you can find the grounding to step out of alignment with what your critic wants you to believe, and begin to tease apart how the world has treated you from who you really are.

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Jennifer Gray (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Helping individuals build self-esteem and foster a positive self-image. Specializing in addressing perfectionism, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and negative thought patterns. Providing tools to embrace strengths, set boundaries, and develop confidence to achieve personal and professional growth. Tailored therapy empowers clients to break free from limiting beliefs, cultivate resilience, and align with their true potential for a more fulfilling life.

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Ryan Leiderman (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I use a collaborative, solution-focused and psychodynamic approach, along with mindfulness and CBT.

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Jordan Curtis (He/him)

Professional Counselor Associate


Low self-esteem is correlated with depression, anxiety and PTSD. I use mindfulness-based experiential therapy to explore the subconscious mind, and repair the self & psyche through memory reconsolidation and positive experiences. Unlike some other forms of therapy, my methods aim to use neuroplasticity from mindfulness-induced states to rewire the brain and eventually eliminate the need for maintenance therapy. I aim to take you to complete resolution of inner conflict to full self love.

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Kelly Reams MSW, BCD Psychoanalyst (She/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Lcsw, bcd

Training in developmental theory and contemporary psychoanalytic theories provide a solid base of information and experience working with the complexities around vulnerabilities of self-esteem. There are different ways these problems manifest and having a broad understanding and flexible therapeutic style helps me meet the patient where they are to strengthen self esteem from the inside out.

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Kimberly Wilcox, Way of River Psychotherapy

Licensed Professional Counselor


Issues of self-esteem can be the driver of issues related to relationship with self and others, present as depression or anxiety and come as a result of loss or life transition. We will work directly with the core elements of thoughts, feelings and experiences to tap into those lost or unknown parts of self that are key to your healing. This work can not only give symptom relief, but bring individual and relationship growth and meaning that sustains you throughout life’s journey.

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Kerry Powers, LPC (She/Her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Having a healthy sense of self is vital to feeling worthy and capable of manifesting the life you long for. We all experience wounds and hardships that serve to invalidate or diminish our sense of value. It is important that you understand the unique qualties that you possess and learn to move through the world holding your power, this is a process that can be reclaimed in our work together.

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Allison Strausberg (she/they)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I utilize a variety of modalities, especially Internal Family Systems and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, to help folks better understand and address the underlying causes of low-self esteem. I also support folks to build skills in identifying and expressing needs and boundaries across relationships and settings.

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Chelsea Kellogg (she/her/hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Improving self esteem and recovering from perfectionism tend to be themes for the clients I work with. I studied research on adaptive vs maladaptive perfectionism for an assignment in graduate school.

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caroline sabi (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Our sense of self is directly corollated to how much we have felt valued and loved and understood in our lives. It is never too late for reparenting ourselves and my somatic tools are excellent in tapping into earlier attachment styles that were not secure enough to allow a healthy self-esteem to develop.

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Ladan Radafshar (She/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


There are many factors that contribute to our sense of worthiness and self-esteem. We will explore your self-esteem timeline and influences such as cultural, societal, socioeconomic, familial, and educational impacts on your self-concept. We will: - Explore your sense of meaning and belonging through clarifying values and beliefs. Bring awareness to relational patterns through an attachment lens. - Recognizing systems of oppression and their impact on the self.

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Jessica Franco

Clinical Social Work Associate


I support clients in building self-esteem by helping them recognize their strengths, challenge limiting beliefs, and develop a more compassionate relationship with themselves. Through mindfulness, collaborative problem-solving, and strengths-based approaches, we’ll work together to explore the factors impacting your self-esteem and create strategies to foster greater self-acceptance and confidence in your daily life.

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Nicole Corbett (she/her)


Certified Hypnotherapist and Brainspotting Practitioner

Few people cannot be helped by improving self-confidence and self-seteem. I specialize in addressing the root concerns that hold you back from feeling good about yourself. My clients break through issues that have caused slef-doubt and sabotage for decades.

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Blake Locher (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


How do we feel like we are enough? It’s a simple idea that’s complex in the real world. I have experience helping clients navigate these murky waters to the source of low self-esteem and begin the healing process. Together we can discover, accept, and celebrate your authentic self while learning how to work with shame, self-criticism, and low confidence.

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Jonathan Joebgen

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


My favorite line in the Desiderata poem (Max Ehrmann, 1927) is: 'Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.' It is a profound and powerful notion that you, as you already are, are valuable and worthy of love and respect. I am committed to helping others to realize and embrace this.

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Danielle McWilliams LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor


Messages about being & loving yourself abound these days, but to feel a sense of authentic self-worth these messages must be supported with deeper meaning! In my practice we focus on gently cultivating a greater awareness & acceptance of what makes you YOU, while exploring how to put those qualities, ideas, & concepts into self-caring practice that nurtures empowerment, compassion & integration!

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Robin Carlisle (She/her)

Professional Counselor

Self-esteem is one of the easiest issues to address through hypnosis. Because it is a fundamental and universal imperative that you love yourself, it's required for survival. Self-esteem tends to be at the core of whatever issue you are struggling with. Once we address the core (self-worth), the crust (problematic thoughts and behaviors) tends to fall away.

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Trish Nicholson (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

Board-certified (NCC)

Building healthy self-esteem is essential for your overall well-being and personal growth. In our sessions, we’ll create a supportive space to explore what’s affecting your self-esteem and work on overcoming negative self-beliefs. Together, we’ll identify and nurture your strengths, develop positive self-talk, and set achievable goals. By addressing the emotional, mental, and social aspects of self-esteem, we aim to build your confidence and foster a stronger, more positive self-image.

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Graham Borgman (He/him/his)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Our internal and external sources of praise and criticism form complex networks of motivations and self-evaluations. It is a difficult task for many to locate and feel the realistic, innate sources of self-esteem that constitute who you are, buoy your spirits, and provide you with energy for your work and relationships. Self-esteem issues are common and important components of therapy for many.

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Joey Bloom


Sometimes we hear things about ourselves and without even consciously noticing it, we have heard those things and we now believe it. Through our work together, you will have an opportunity to discover a deeper aspect of you that is solid, strong and highly functional.

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Marcy Irene Jenks (she/they)

Licensed Professional Counselor


From the start, life can be filled with experiences that erode our self-esteem and deflate any innate sense of confidence, which leads to consciously or unconsciously believing we are not worthy; we are not enough. Together, we can sort through the core material that developed these heart-breaking beliefs and discover the jewel of your being which is welcome here, and encouraged to shine its light.

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Veronica Wilson (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


We exist in a culture that often does not value us, and our life circumstances can further deepen that feeling that we don't belong. We can work together on navigating your place in this society around us and developing self-compassion. Everyone deserves love and understanding, and that includes you.

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Melissa Yeary (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Feelings of self-worth depend on the meaning we’ve given our life experiences. Exploring what we've come to believe about ourselves can be an exciting and rewarding journey. I bring a wealth of tools and strategies useful to creating the strong sense of self that underlies positive self-esteem, including creative strategies like journaling and collaging and body-centered tools like mindfulness.

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Kristin Schuchman (she/her)

Professional Counselor


Even if we're generally confident, we can still struggle with our self-esteem, leading to bad decisions, falling short of our expectations in social and professional situations, or stay in relationships and friendships that are unfulfilling or abusive. Women tend to struggle with confidence more than men -- research reveals that women will underrate the same performance on tests by as much as 15 percent! I offer tools and techniques to help bolster confidence and show up as your best self!

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Joshua Bogart (He/Him/His)

Professional Counselor Associate


Does your inner critic keep tearing you down, telling you you're not good enough? Low self-esteem can make it hard to connect with others and leave you feeling stuck in a negative self-image. Through therapy, we'll work together to challenge that critical voice and develop a more positive and compassionate relationship with yourself. You don't have to face this alone – let's build a safe space where you can be seen and heard without judgment.

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Congruent Therapy: Italia Hensley (She/Her/Hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

MS, LMFT, CNM-Certified

I love working with individuals around self-esteem. Self-esteem work is vital to a healthy and happy life as an individual, in a relationship, and in the workforce. Let me help you melt away societal, familial, and relational constraints getting in the way of living your most authentic and congruent life.

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Katie Azarow (She/Her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Many mental health issues contain elements of low self-esteem, and many diagnoses can contribute to feelings of low self-esteem. Thus, I investigate and explore issues of self-esteem with every one of my clients. Additionally, working with teenagers has provide hours of work focused solely on exploring self and identifying how individuals interact with the world around them.

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Stacey Vallas (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Problems with self-esteem touch many people and are at the root of many mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. I believe strengthening self-esteem is at the heart of successful therapy. I will get to know you without judgment and help you cultivate a more compassionate relationship with yourself so you are empowered to act on your strengths and make the changes you want in life.

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Polly Gravely MS, LPC, MFT (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Licensed in OR and WA

Most of us have an inner critical voice that keeps us in line, but for some of us that voice is punishing. Maybe your inner voice tells you that you're not good enough, that you look bad, and flings other criticisms at you. It's hard to live with a voice like that. I work to listen, to understand, and gradually shift this voice so that it trusts you, takes its right place, and works in support of you.

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Matthew Beeble (He/Him)

Licensed Professional Counselor

I enjoy helping individuals increase their self-esteem. It is one of the tasks that I feel the most confident will end with success. Low self-esteem is often about negative self-talk based on faulty beliefs about oneself due to past experience. These beliefs are often powerful and convincing. Therapy is about unmasking these beliefs, stealing their power and creating a new sense of self.

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Kate Reece (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Issues pertaining to self-esteem flood into all parts of a person's life, often negatively-effecting their relationships, jobs, and sense of competency. I have worked my entire career with young adults, adolescents, and adults to increase their understanding of their strengths, abilities, and realistic goals to improve their sense of themselves.

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Sarah Sterling

Licensed Professional Counselor


We live in a cultural paradigm that conditions us with all sorts of fear-based, limiting and destructive beliefs. Many of us internalize these fears and beliefs, and are convinced that it is about us- that somehow we are wrong or bad. Let's unlearn this false conditioning and access the truth of our wholeness and organicity.

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Vinnie Gwozdz (He/Him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Self-esteem impacts almost every nook and cranny of our lives. Our self-confidence level determines so many things about how we live our lives and therapy can truly help us to build and maintain our sense of self in a world that sometimes seems bent on tearing us down. Everyone has great worth and therapy can be a good way to build that reminder into our cores!

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Jessi Huffman (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


In this area I am guided by meditative practices as well as the work of Kristin Neff, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, and many other leaders in the mindful self-compassion realm. If you struggle to feel positively toward yourself or recognize the many strengths you come to the table with, therapy can grant permission to look at the good in ourselves while holding a curious and non-judgemental space for the things we're not so sure about.

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Erin Carney Moline (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


True Self-esteem comes from facing ourselves and realizing that we are deeply connected to the world around us. We are all here to walk the earth, and finding and discovering your particular way of walking is a life-changing experience.

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Adam Benjamin

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


The corrosive effects of poor self-worth, and shame in particular, limit our capacity for flexible thinking and the range of choices we perceive in many situations.

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Karel Chan

Licensed Professional Counselor


Self-esteem, to me, embodies all of the ways we attend to and treat ourselves: self-love, self-compassion, self-governance. Much of our suffering stems from ways that we, as a survival response to neglect or abandonment when young, have neglected or abandoned our selves. Only by turning toward the forgotten, disconnected self can we come back online with a fully embodied presence and an intact esteem for the whole self.

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jane Newman

Licensed Professional Counselor

Self esteem (or lack of) is inherent in so many of our lives. My role is to help people identify the fears, beliefs (negative thoughts) that effect one's sense of self; and to help challenge the negative thoughts/beliefs with more accurate 'stories'/ interpretations. The goal is to identify one's negative thoughts of self, and provide skills for the client reconstruct with healthier realities.

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Jason Wilkinson (He/Him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MA, MDiv

Low self-esteem is caused by the negative messages we tell ourselves. We will explore these messages to discover what could be the causes, then work to create new neural pathways of what is true about who you are.

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Steve Hohenboken, LPC, LAT (he/they)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Low self esteem can make it hard to believe that you even deserve to feel good, and to have support in getting to a stronger, happier place. Maybe you don't even believe it's possible. I have seen these positive changes happen many times, and I believe it can happen for you, too. I invite you to schedule a meeting to talk about working together to make things better.

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Amanda Ball (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Feelings of not being enough are often at the roots of depression and anxiety. Low self-worth can hold you back from leading the life you want, or pursuing the jobs and relationships you deserve. I use a combination of self-compassion techniques, and mindful exploration of your own intuitive knowing, to elicit and ground in your internal sense of self-worth.

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Arah Erickson (she/her/hers)

Professional Counselor Associate


We all have the innate desire and capacity for growth and change, however, we sometimes get in our own way. Looking at the world through a lens of self-doubt or feelings of inadequacy are a significant stumbling block for many of us. I will support you in gaining insight into the origins of these beliefs you might hold about yourself. Practices of self-awareness and self-compassion are often a central part of tapping into your strengths, and rediscovering your sense of worth.

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Art Chaklader (He/Him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Congratulations in taking a step towards overcoming the mountain of esteem! You know, that thing that always has something negative to say to you. That thing that limits your courage and holds you back from all the things you want in life. Join me for a consult, and let's take another step toward climbing this mountain.

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Magnolia Medlin (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

I have been in a study of the book Soul Without Shame by Byron Brown for a few years now, and I participated in a course on the book as well. I have developed, through this book as well as my work with Voice Dialogue parts work, a way of creatively disengaging from the inner judgement voice.

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Carrie Sturrock (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

Professional Counselor Associate

How do we recapture a deep and solid understanding of our worth and value in this world? Partly, it's about getting to know the myriad parts of ourselves, understanding them and having compassion for the ones we desperately try to avoid.

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Johanna Courtleigh

Licensed Professional Counselor


We come in as joy. Watch any toddler. But over time, we learn shame, inadequacy and comparison. We feel lesser-than, which undermines our sense of self-worth, worthiness and happiness. The mind turns on itself, and we plummet. What we were taught wasn't true! Therapy helps you recover your true self, and reclaim the enjoyment and sense of well-being that is your birthright!

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Professional Counselor Associate


Your self-esteem can improve by identifying your strengths, exploring meaning and purpose, and gaining insight through greater self-awareness. The more you know who you are, and why you are, the easier it is to find compassion for yourself and to love yourself fully. I believe it's possible for everyone to experience real self-love and, with encouragement, embrace their whole self.

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Susan Gulka (She/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Identity, compassion, strengths, finding SELF, being heard, discovering values, (re)discovering who you are, women, understanding past trauma

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Gia Buckberg

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Self-esteem issues may arise in all of us at some point in our lives. Many of us come into counseling with negative schemas that we struggle to let go of. These are thoughts we have been battling for years sometimes and my hope is to support my clients to delve deep into these and access their inner strength so that they can tap into their internal joy and be inspired to attain cadence.

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Caroline Kinsley (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Being able to understand and trust oneself is key to feeling confident. Through dance/movement therapy and mindfulness-based approaches, there will be space to strengthen this inner relationship. You will explore how to build the relationship with non-judgment, kindness, and love. We will explore how to make this a strong foundation as life will bring novel and unexpected situations. Therefore, if you do temporarily lose trust in yourself you have skills to kindly return back again and again.

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Miranda Bayard-Clark, LPC (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

The dreaded 'shame voice'. We all have it, and lets admit, it gets in the way at times. I work with clients to learn to identify when shame has taken over and now in control, as well as learning to quiet that piece of ourselves and allow us to move forward in life feeling more confident and secure.

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Lynn Emmons LCSW, LICSW, RN, CADCI (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


What a person thinks about themselves can hugely impact every aspect of their life. I enjoy helping folks explore where these stories about themselves come from and then write new stories.

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Suzanne Sanchez (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Low self-esteem can be caused by a wide array of different life experiences. I guide people to identify the different aspects of their lives which have contributed to feeling bad about themselves, and I help them gain a new perspective where they can begin to welcome imperfection and accept self-love.

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Jeff Guenther (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Self-esteem can be a tricky issue to address. There are many things that can be affecting it. I am very proficient at working with clients to explore all possible reasons your self-esteem, self-worth or confidence feels low. If it's situational we will figure out how to move through it and if it's rooted in past experience we will bring it to the surface and learn how to leave it in the past.

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Cherie Thompson (she/her/hers)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Low self-esteem can appear in our lives as not prioritizing out needs, self-blame, overreliance on others, and difficulty moving forward in life. We can cultivate inner strength, worth, and confidence. From this mindset we can let go of old beliefs to make room for a new view of yourself, others, and the world.

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Mahalia Lind-Diamond (She/They)

Professional Counselor Associate

Together we can shift unhelpful thought patterns and make space for more compassion.

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Allison Riegel (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

MA, Professional Counselor Associate

I see each client as a unique, unfolding cosmos, full of potential, beauty, and the ability to heal and grow. Therapy is a place where all of this can be seen, affirmed, nurtured and allowed to become the foundation of a more fulfilled life experience. I support clients in identifying and healing personal wounds and transforming roadblocks, reconnecting to and strengthening their intuition, and developing a sense of deep self-trust, love, and internal support.

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Brooke Terry (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help you address the negative thought patterns that contribute to low self-esteem and burnout. By identifying and challenging these thoughts, we can reframe them in a healthier way, allowing you to see yourself and your situation more realistically. CBT helps break the cycle of perfectionism, self-criticism, and stress, ultimately empowering you to set better boundaries, prioritize self-care, and build more balanced, fulfilling routines.

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Kyle Butler

Professional Counselor Associate

I have successfully helped many clients identify and challenge negative self-beliefs, develop healthier self-perceptions, and build confidence. I utilize evidence-based approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help clients recognize and alter unhelpful thinking patterns.

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Majken Elek, MA

Licensed Professional Counselor

Who are you beneath who everyone tells you, you are? Together, we will unfold the layers of negative conditioning and rebuild the authentic self through, thought awareness exercises, values exploration and empowerment visualizations in a safe, non-judgmental space.

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Greta Reitinger (She/Her/Hers)

Licensed Professional Counselor


We all deserve to feel confident, joyful and whole. Therapy can help unravel the the tangles inside that keep us feeling stuck and small. Let's find out how we can help you stand a little taller, start to find your voice, and believe in your own worth down in the core of your being.

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Rochelle Schwartz

Licensed Professional Counselor


Self-esteem and confidence affects so many aspects of our lives, from our self image, to work, to relationships, to child rearing, etc. Many of us speak much worse to ourselves than we would tolerate from others, or do unto others. If you would like to be free from this self-torment, and feel more confidence and connected with your true self, I would love to help guide you in this.

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Leslie Jones

Licensed Professional Counselor

Many people struggle with some level of self-doubt or a lack of confidence. While not uncommon, it can be very painful to feel you are not good enough, worthy, or too scared to ask for what you need. Through listening, exploring past experiences, and validating what you are going through, you will strengthen the core belief that you are enough.

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Rachael Patoray (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


The act of bullying (from others and oneself) seems to be existing at an all-time high. Self-esteem plays a huge role with the culture of bullying, both for 'the bullies' and their victims. Learning how to understand and accept ourselves instead of only comparing ourselves to others, is an important start to decreasing this culture of bullying and low self-esteem.

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Clea Partridge (she/her/hers)

Professional Counselor Associate

Masters of Science in Counseling

Self doubt and questioning are rooted in many of us, and indeed, are part of a functioning capitalist system. What happens when we believe we are enough as we are? I will help you confront this question and explore the roots of esteem issues.

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Gayle Waitches

Licensed Professional Counselor


We all have within an inner toolbox-reliable and trustworthy resources of self-love and self-regulation. But maybe during life's travails, we've lost connection and access to, or belief in this wellspring of knowing. And yet, we never lose our veritable tool box- we can just get reacquainted.

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Sophie Bloch Miller (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Self esteem is central to our well being and mental health. It is the life boat for survival during challenging times. I will help to identify and believe in your strengths and overcome old patterns of beating yourself up from the inside. I utilize the therapeutic relationship as well as attachment based treatment to increase insight into self and build strong sense of identity and self worth.

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Dave Davis

Qualified Mental Health Professional


Sometimes we can develop habits of unrealistically negative views of ourselves and our abilities. This low appraisal of ourselves limits us in all sorts of ways; we don't pursue the things that really matter because we believe we aren't up to the task, we don't ask for what we want in relationships. We can work together to develop a realistic vision of where you are and what you want, and then work on the bravery it takes to push for it.

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Professional Counselor Associate

Masters in Education in School Counseling

Working with middle schoolers, self esteem is a common topic. Helping adolescents discover their inner strengths and how to feel secure within themselves is an important aspect of my practice.

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DeShawn Williams

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I believe that self-esteem plays a huge role in who we are as individuals and how we see ourselves in this world. Individuals struggling with concerns of their self-esteem will journey together with me to uncover where a self-esteem injury occurred, and evaluate how to move past the injury. Through self inventories and discovery a new you will emerge.

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Jeremy Jones (They/them)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Due to the interrelationship between mental health, substance use, and self-esteem-this is a primary objective of my practice to work on improving along with finding stability/control of internal processes.

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Lauren Stines (she/they)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


In a society that profits off of our insecurities, it's no wonder so many of us have a hard time loving and accepting ourselves. In addition to cultural influence, our experiences of relational harm and traumas can breed shame and isolation. I believe you are valuable and deserving of care, even if you can't accept that right now. I will hold compassion for you while challenging you to engage in self-acceptance and compassion. It's so hard to hate ourselves into someone that we love.

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Chad Ernest, MS, LPC (He/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor

Self-esteem is the cornerstone to many mental health issues. Depression and anxiety find both their roots in low self-esteem. Being able to feel confident and good about one's self can be challenging, but with my help we can rebuild a positive self-image.

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Ashley Jopling (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I help clients rebuild self-esteem by addressing the root causes of insecurity and self-doubt through deep brain therapies like ART, EMDR, and Brainspotting. My approach focuses on reprocessing negative beliefs and experiences, allowing you to reconnect with your strengths, build confidence, and embrace your true self. Together, we’ll work to transform how you see yourself, empowering you to live with greater self-worth and authenticity.

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Audrianna J. Gurr (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

LPC License and CADCI certificate, CDWF certificate

Self Esteem encompasses so many areas of our lives...communication, relating, making plans/goals in our close relationships and in our communities of work, family and play. I am certified in Brene' Brown's curriculum of Shame Resilience to help us sort out the details and live our fuller and happier life.

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Jennifer Wohl, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Despite our best efforts, self-esteem is not something that we can 'will' into place. It cannot be bestowed upon us from outside. And it doesn't magically appear when we whisper affirmations to ourselves. Rather, self-esteem develops when we feel genuinely seen and cared about and can begin to practice compassion and forgiveness toward ourselves. Therapy can support this process.

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Carl Jensen

Licensed Professional Counselor


This can involve practicing greater compassion toward oneself. It can also involve addressing self criticism or that judgemental voice in your head, and/or addressing concerns involving shame and guilt.

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Ashley Parkinson (she/her/hers)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Sometimes, even when we have it "all together on the outside," we secretly harbor feelings of dislike toward ourselves or feel like we are not valuable. Low self-worth often starts in childhood, or begins when someone experiences a harmful relationship or traumatic incidence. I support clients in boosting self-worth by exploring longstanding patterns of thought, feeling and behavior, and through mindfulness practice, boundary-setting, communication skills, and building on natural strengths.

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