Couples Counseling

Occasionally, fights and conflict within a relationship or marriage are a fact of life. But when the conflicts in your relationship are threatening your health and well-being, it may be time to seek help. A mental health professional who specialized in couples counseling can help you and your partner develop strategies to improve your overall happiness and communication or target a specific conflict like anger, infidelity, money, sex, or household duties. Marriage counseling can also help you and your partner reach an informed decision when considering divorce.

Local experts in Couples Counseling

Gemma Baumer (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor, M.A. in Counseling

My approach to couples/relationship counseling is interactive, relational, strength-based and informed by attachment. I work with relationships of all configurations to support a space that is safe for exploration of self and another, historical and current attachment processes. I love working with relationships in need of immediate support, or just desirous of exploration around subjects like trauma, attachment, polyamory/consensual non-monogamy and boundaries.

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Leah Haas (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I work with couples to increase vulnerability and improve communication to better understand how to support each other's needs with compassion and curiosity. I offer tools and strategies to support conflict resolution, so they feel more confident when addressing relationship disharmonies. I support couples navigating parenting and cohabitation dynamics to feel more at ease in life together. I also offer tools and strategies for couples wanting to address their sexual dynamic.

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Ladan Radafshar (She/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Couples therapy is a space to explore where things got off track. Together we will bring awareness to triggers and identify the negative relational cycle unique to every couple. This awareness will help us understand and resolve negative patterns, process emotional responses, and create a positive shift in partners’ interpersonal interactions. This shift aims to move you and your partner toward a secure bond of trust and intimacy and deepen the quality of your communication and connection.

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Michaela Christopher (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

M.A. Marriage, Couple, & Family Therapy

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DeLyn Griffin (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MA in Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling

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Carlyn Glaser (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Have had years of practice using this orientation

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Guillaume Counseling Services (She/Her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


We specialize in relationships and work with couples who just want to improve their relationships, pre-pared for a committed relationship, or who are struggling and needs healing. We utilize Gottman Method, Prepared and Enrich, as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help our couples. We specialize in working with interracial/multiethnic/intercultural/interfaith couples.

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Midori Ferris Wayne (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


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Mark Pechovnik

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

There is an emphasis on clear, empathic communication (NVC); sexuality and differentiation (Schnarch's Work); relationship building tools (Gottman and others); sexuality; acceptance; attachment; and emotional attunement (Emotion Focused Therapy).

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Kelly Arthur, LMFT, LPC, CADC I

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

As a counselor trained specifically in couples, marriage, and family therapy, I specialize in relationship counseling with all types of couples, including straight, gay, queer, trans, non-binary, poly, and kink. I use a variety of proven modalities with couples to support each unique relationship. Past clients have appreciated my ability to make them feel safe to explore what's really going on.

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Chelsea Kellogg (she/her/hers)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

M.A. Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapy

I'm passionate about helping couples navigate the complexity of relationships. I help couples learn to communicate skillfully (especially about emotional needs), negotiate conflicting needs, become less reactive and more receptive, make repairs, and choose new behaviors that are more aligned with personal values.

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Lolo Halman (he/him)

Professional Counselor

M.A., Diploma of Process Work

I work with couples who are deeply invested in their relationship but find themselves caught in seemingly intractable conflict cycles. I support these couples to reconnect to their relationship purpose, build awareness of their triggers and how to de-escalate in moments of activation, interrupt unhelpful patterns, and realign towards a greater sense of unity as a couple.

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C.J. Sanders (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

OR #T2235

Healthy couples are my passion! Couples work is a commitment to go deeper in your relationship and yourself. We will explore the ways you each connect and the barriers that you encounter when connection doesn't go well. It is often the differences couples have that create problems so we will tackle the issue of how to me a "me" in a "we". I'll throw in some of the latest research in neuroscience so that you will learn to calm and soothe and your relationship will have the space to flourish.

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Derrick Radford (He/Him)

Professional Counselor Associate


Relationship counseling, within the context of depth psychotherapy, goes beyond surface-level conflicts to explore the deeper dynamics that shape relationships. It delves into unconscious patterns, childhood experiences, and attachment styles that influence how individuals relate to one another. As an expert in this field, I draw from modalities including emotionally focused therapy and psychoanalytic insights to deepen understanding, emotional intimacy, and relational healing.

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Katelyn Bessette (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I work closely with couples and beyond to help support them in navigating conflict resolution, infidelity, communication issues, intimacy and sexuality difficulties and more. I am a trained sex therapist.

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Mary Bruce-Owenby (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LGBTQIA-affirmative couples therapist

I have training in Gestalt (Gestalt Therapy Training Center Northwest), Psychobiological (PACT), Developmental (Developmental Couples Institute), EFT, Collaborative Couples (Dan Wile), and psychodynamic approaches to this work.

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Jessica Baker, M.A. LMFT (She/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

B.S. Health Psychology, M.A. Counseling, LMFT

I really enjoy working with couples of all backgrounds to help them communicate more effectively and flourish as partners in life, as well as individuals. I often use Non-violent communication, Emotionally focused couples therapy and Gottman method techniques. LBGTQ friendly.

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Dr. Kimberly Christensen

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Couples counseling is a type of therapy that helps partners in a romantic relationship gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict, and improve relationship satisfaction utilizing various therapeutic interventions. One effective approach used in couples counseling is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). EFT is based on the premise that emotional responses shape both the harmony and discord in relationships. It focuses on helping couples identify and understand their emotional needs.

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Sabrina Walters (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT, LPC, Certified Gottman Therapist

At Core Values Counseling, we specialize in The Gottman Method of Couples therapy. We also provide couples conferences to add in your growth as a couple.

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Steven Cohn

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I have more than 25 years of experience working as a Marriage and Relationship Specialist.

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Karen Bruce Chenier (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


As a couple's therapist, we work together to better your relationship, find solutions to specific problems, reduce feelings of distress, cultivate ways to connect within yourself, and enhance communication skills. We will practice ways to increase kindness toward yourself and each other so you both can experience health and happiness. In working with couples, I utilize emotional-focused therapy and Cognitive-behavioral approaches to work toward building healthy communication and intimacy.

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Brooke Vaille (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Marriage and Family Therapist Registered Associate #R9241

I am Level 1 Certified in Restoration Therapy (RT). RT is a model based on attachment, family dynamics, and mindfulness to help couples identify ways in which they get "stuck" and how to form more loving and trustworthy ways of being and communicating.

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David Hanna (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


In my work as a couples therapist, I use insights from my family systems counseling training, and my additional studies of Gottman, Hendricks, Richo and Real's writings to guide my work with couples. I'm passionate about helping couples navigate the complexity of relationships and dealing with the often unsupported and rough waters of partnerships both new and established.

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Benji Hurston (them/them)

Professional Counselor Associate

M.A. in Professional Mental Health Counseling

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Elise Helms (She/Her)

Professional Counselor Associate

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Professional Counselor Associate

⚚M.D. , M.S. , LPCA⚚

Are you struggling with your relationship? I have chosen to focus on Couples Counseling. I strongly believe that relationships cannot move forward without healthy communication skills, that involve mutual respect for one another. With my very effective Role-Play Therapy techniques, I implement very practical tools for couples to take back home with them and to feel like the therapy process can be very rewarding. If you really need help, then please contact me at Dr. Sanjay Kumar Psychotherapy

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Michaele Dunlap PsyD (she/her)

Clinical Psychologist

I work with couples who are moving into commitment and those who want to improve relationships that have become strained. I especially enjoy work with those who share responsibility for closely-held businesses. I work with couples to prevent divorce when that is possible; to help it be a compassionate process when dissolution is inevitable.

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Sarah Howeth (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


The heart of what I do is support couples and relationships in our community. Couples and intimate partners all have patterns in the way that they relate based on their early attachment histories. What this means is that when we get into relationship, we might find ourselves having the same argument about the dishes that doesn't actually feel like it is about the dishes. What I'm interested in helping you do is get to the heart of the matter and communicate about it together.

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G. Ravyn (Ravyn) Stanfield (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate Counseling, EMDR trained, Licensed Acupuncturist

I work with people in all kinds of relationships who want to communicate better, solve problems, rekindle their spark, fight smarter, or move past obstacles.

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Congruent Therapy (She/He/They)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

In my work with couples, I employ a fusion of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Narrative Therapy, and insights from attachment and systems theories. My approach is anchored in compassion and directness, aiming to unearth and address underlying dynamics. By fostering a safe space, I guide couples in navigating relational challenges, enhancing intimacy, and co-creating narratives that champion connection and mutual growth.

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Jaxon Shaffer (they/them)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I work with couples of all genders and sexual orientations to overcome barriers to healthy connection through a blend of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Queer Theory, and the Gottman Method. "EFT focuses on emotions and emotional communication in relationships and their influence on patterns of interaction. It also recognizes emotion as a powerful agent of change rather than simply part of the relationship problem."

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Carrie Ivy (she/her)

Professional Counselor

I love working with couples, facilitating conflict, and nurturing understanding on all sides. I have experience with married couples, poly/non-monogamy, and non-romantic relationship conflict.

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Robin Magdahlen

Licensed Professional Counselor


In therapy, we will be co-creating a safe place, where there is room for any and all vulnerable feelings, beliefs, and thoughts to emerge. I work in a no-shame no-blame zone of ongoing support and warm curiosity. Together we will learn about patterns, triggers, negative thoughts and cycles, feelings, past and present attachment injuries, and how they affect the relationship.

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Rebel Heart Therapy (They/She/Her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Couples Clinic of Portland

Licensed Professional Counselor

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Polly Gravely MS, LPC, MFT (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Nationally Certified Counselor

My degree (M.S. in Marriage and Family Counseling) is specifically focused on relational dynamics and I have extensive training in couples' work. I can help you understand how your relationship ran into trouble and how to find the way back again.

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J.C. Stewart (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Harley Steen (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I will work with you and your partner to learn to communicate better, understand and accept each other, and deepen your relationship. I will help you to better understand your emotional responses and needs, individually and as a couple. In our work together, you and your partner will learn to identify and reshape interactions that cause pain and distance between you. We will collaborate to enhance feelings of closeness and connection as your love becomes more secure.

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Katherine Chiba, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

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Benita Munson (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I am passionate about working with couples and work from an attachment lens. I am consistently seeing parties make micro changes in the way that they communicate and learn about each other in our sessions. This enhances their relationships immensely. I am PACT Level 1 trained, which is neurobiology for couples, as well as EFT couples therapy trained, weaving in John Gottman's research, Terry Real, Esther Perel and evidence based practices for each.

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Caitlin "Caity" Lynch (They/She)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I use Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) based on the work of Dr. Susan Johnson. We'll work collaboratively to decide on common goals for your relationship, discern unhelpful relationship patterns, work to understand why those made sense and helped you previously, and how to move forward with empathy for each other, meeting individual needs, and creating sustainable, healthier relational habits.

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Ken Kemp (he/him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


I help couples experiencing conflict by using Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples. This is a short-term, evidence-based treatment. I have completed the ICEEFT externship and am working towards full certification as an EFT certified therapist.

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Jillyan Medina (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MA, Marriage & Family Therapist Associate

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Connective Therapy Collective

Licensed Professional Counselor


We use Gottman, Emotionally focused therapy, and systems approaches to support you and your partner(s) in finding common ground, connection and balance of power and pleasure in your relationship.

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Liz Ward (they/them)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

One of the reasons I decided to be a therapist was to work with couples, especially folks who are non-monogamous, knowing that there is not enough support for ENM and polyamorous people. I spent much of my graduate studies along with education afterwards focusing on how to help people develop relationships that work for them.

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Carrie Sturrock (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

Professional Counselor Associate

I received my M.S. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling from Portland State University.

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Tori Morrison (she/they)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


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Jenny Kepler (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Your relationship with your partner can be the source of groundedness, stability, love and passion. It can also cause stress, resentment and pain. In couples counseling we build relationship skills, transform what blocks you from feeling closer and learn to stay connected through the rough times so that you can become better, more loving partners. I specialize in helping high-conflict couples shift out of painful patterns and into loving partnership.

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Richard Halpern (he/him)

Professional Counselor

M.A., Trauma Informed Coach

I integrate a couples counseling approach to positively learn how to co-parent as a team or resolve conflicts. Areas of focus: Developing positive habits around communication, understanding our unique communication styles, defining our relationship roles, and discovering our shared (or different) values. Empathy is key. Our goal? To feel seen, heard and understood, all to foster better connection, intimacy, and trust from a non-judgmental place.

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Ayala Parker (she/they)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


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Liisa Heard, BS, MSW, LCSW, LICSW (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I help all types of couples with navigating through their relationship issues. Offering support to people in relationships who may be considering separation or seeking improved intimacy and understanding. The relationship is the focus, although each partner should also expect to focus on self-improvement and self-awareness.

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Ally Simone (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT T2066

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Nicole Lynch (She/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MFT Associate

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PK Foss (She/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I work with couples to manage their conflict, strengthen their friendship and appreciation, and to create intimacy through long term relationship shifts. With couples I utilize Gottman Method therapy, which is research based and tested. Couples therapy, believe it or not, can be an enjoyable and deeply healing process. I also utilize Brainspotting with individuals to support the couple work when we get stuck.

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Tever Nickerson

Licensed Professional Counselor


I use a treatment approach grounded in emotionally-focused couples work. I work to help you identify what you both really want from your relationship and how you can find comfort and acceptance in asking for what you really need from your partner. Even if there is frequently anger or mistrust in your relationship, we will work to decrease the emotional pain and increase understanding.

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Molz Wirtz-Wold (they/them)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I am trained in PACT: psychobiological approach to couples counseling. PACT is a fusion of attachment theory, developmental neuroscience, and arousal regulation. Understanding how the brain works provides a physiological basis for understanding how people act and react within relationships. In a nutshell, some areas of your brain are wired to reduce threat and danger and seek security, while others are geared to establish mutuality and loving connection.

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Michael Jolliffe (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Special training from couples-focused supervisors.

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"Paisley" Jen Burrell (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I'm an expert in couples counseling, holding an M.S. in Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling from Portland State University (2017) with honors. I customize my approach to suit clients' needs. I specialize in Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Additionally, I'm certified in The Gottman Method, Motivational Interviewing (MI), and hold expertise in tailoring interventions for diverse needs within couples counseling.

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Madeline Fox

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Love, passion, and a bit of mystery may have brought you and your partner together but for whatever reason, those elements are harder to identify at the moment. I will collaboratively work with you and your partner to access those experiences of tenderness in order to start healing and repairing the memories of hurt that can take place through the course of a relationship.

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Heather Rensmith (she, her, hers)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Using Differentiation, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Gottman Method, and others to help people achieve their relationship goals!

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Demir Crone (he/him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, ISTDP for Couples, and the Developmental Model. All excellent modalities to support you!

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Alexandra Leichter LCSW, LICSW, MSW (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

I have worked with couples throughout my career. I have experience with crisis management when couples are experiencing acute marital issues and general problem solving for on-going concerns. I have a special interest in working with couples who have already been married to other people and are experiencing discord after combing their families.

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Terra Anderson (they/them)

Somatic Practitioner


I love working with couples and polycules to foster deeper empathy, stronger communication, and greater sexual satisfaction.

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Karen Maloney, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I have received training while getting my masters degree and have since then continued to gain experience and knowledge by meeting with couples on a regular basis.

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Bryce Cohan

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


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Catherine Palmer (She/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Leslie Jones

Licensed Professional Counselor

I love working with couples to help them reduce the angry 'hot spots' that impede connection. Together, we identify triggers and repetitive patterns, and help find ways to rekindle closeness and intimacy.

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Nicole Kammerlocher (she/her/hers)

Professional Counselor Associate

I have received training in Emotionally Focused Couples therapy, which has some of the best outcomes for those struggling with relational issues. This therapy focuses on how we show up in relationships, and how we can show up differently and change the tune of a relationship from conflict to connection.

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Day Hancock Murphy (they/them)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


My grad education involved extensive work with couples which I have carried into my personal practice. Much of my caseload features couples, ENM, and polyamorous individuals as well as monogamous couples. Building trust and intimacy, navigating communication struggles, and entering the world of nonmonogamy in particular are areas that I find myself navigating with couples often.

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Beverley Duke-Young (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

B.S, M.S.

I have trained for years under Terry Real's Relational Therapy which helps teach couples how to build and work on developing respectful relationships; this builds on many areas including an understanding of control issues, boundaries, entitlement, shame. What each person experienced in their family of origin impacts and creates some of the roadblocks. How is the best conflict resolution managed between a couple. How to build resiliency and trust and develop empathy.

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Melissa Owens LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor


I have extensive experience working with couples in conflict, repairing wounds and distance, infidelity issues, traumatic backgrounds, anger, sexual problems, or problems of substance and/or sexual addiction. I use strategies from John Gottman, Terry Real, Dan Wile, Imago Therapy, and David Schnarch's Crucible approach. I can help you repair your relationship.

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Jason Wilkinson (He/Him)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MA, MDiv

I have extensive training as a couples counselor. My education in relational systems, or cycles, provides me with a unique perspective in seeing how each individual participates in the making of a whole. I use this to help couples discover ways that they may better relate to one another and strengthen their communication.

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Slade Wolf (he/him/his)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I use a behavioral approach to couples counseling. There is solid evidence that learning, and practicing communication skills builds healthier, more respectful, and more emotionally intimate relationships. I have been using this approach with couples, and with men focusing on their relationship skills, for nearly 20 years.

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Leslie Yeargers (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LPC, LMFT, Certified Sex Informed Couples Counselor

Whether you are wanting to strengthen your relationship or end it well, I strive to listen to what your relationship goals are and work with you collaboratively to help you meet those goals. I work to help your resolve misunderstanding and sort out the emotions you bring to your interactions with each other.

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Tanna TenHoopen Dolinsky (they/she)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


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Shawna Oliver, LCSW (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


It is important for couple to have a place where they can identify patterns that may be disruptive to the relationship. A place where positive communication can strengthen positive communication and both parties can be heard.

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Amanda Feaver, MA, LPC (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I utilize PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) in my work with couples. This approach combines developmental neuroscience, attachment theory, and arousal regulation. PACT supports couples toward a new way of engaging. When secure functioning is the foundation of our partnerships we are able to expand in profound and satisfying ways, not only in our partnerships and families, but out into the world.

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Annie Vail (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Certified Hakomi Therapist (CHT)

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Sarah Felsted (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Emotionally Focused Therapy Externship, Gottman Levels 1 and 2 and Affairs and Trauma Training Star Behavioral Health Provider training for Couples/families of Military personnel

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Ryan Grassmann, M.A., LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Professionally, I find that the Gottman Method, Relational Life Therapy, and Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy all have proven to be effective in defining, treating, and resolving relationship conflicts. With helpful companion books and weekly therapy sessions, change can occur quickly. Those in relationships often find that loving support and trust lie just underneath the fear and hurt. I teach people how to repair ruptures, identify and transform shame, and confront concerns with skill.

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Nicole Lynch (She/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MFT Associate

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Julia Perretta (She/Her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

I am currently training in IFIO (internal family systems couples therapy), and am finding great benefit in integrating "parts of self work" into my practice, with couples.

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Janean VeDova (she/her/hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Trained Supervisor

As a marriage, couple and family therapist I am trained to work with couples and I welcome all partnering arrangements (monogomous/open/polyamourous/ monogomous/heterosexual/same sex). I also specialize in sex therapy that is inclusive and non judgmental.

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Krystal Marcinkiewicz

Licensed Professional Counselor


Couples go through highs and lows throughout their relationship, including a variety of issues that range between small and large scale scenarios. I work with couples so that each partner can use their voice to express needs and create a space of trust with each other to establish trust, communication, decrease conflict, create positive change, and increase emotional and physical intimacy.

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Kellie Collins, MS, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I work with couples using primarily the Emotion Focused model of couples work. I love watching couples learn to communicate and grow towards each other! If you are wanting to strengthen your relationship, improve your communication, and learn to express your feelings in a healthy way, couples counseling might be right for you. I am an inclusive therapist and work with all couple dynamics, including the LBGTQ+ community and folks in the poly and kink communities.

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Family Roots Therapy

Licensed Professional Counselor

We have therapists who practice from a family systems approach and have training in Marriage & Family Therapy, which includes specific training in working with couples. We use approaches such as the Gottman method and Emotion-Focused Therapy, which focuses on adult attachment styles and how your early relationships influence your close relationships in adulthood.

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Family Ties Counseling Center

Licensed Professional Counselor

Couples Counseling becomes a safe place where both you and your partner can find and rest in the deeper connection of the love you both share. Healthy committed relationships and marriages are about balancing connection & intimacy with independence & autonomy. Ideally, each influences and helps the other. Couples therapy helps to achieve this balance in your relationship.

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Janet Sandell (She/Her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Couples counseling can help rebuild and rekindle relationships so partners can connect and support one another. I work from an Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy perspective, helping partners step away from old patterns and enabling partners to create new ways of relating to each other so they can find can find comfort, love, support and romance in their relationship.

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Margot Standeven (she/her/hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Masters in Marriage, Couple, & Family Counseling

Our work together would help each partner understand their part in the couple’s negative cycle and create vulnerable communication, so as to create a stronger couple bond.

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Chad Ernest, MS, LPC (He/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor

I utilize Collaborative approaches to working with couples. I conduct in depth interviews to highlight what both partners feel is happening in their relationship and then find the best approach to assisting in working through these struggles. I do not promise that all relationships work out, however. It is up to each individual in the relationship to want to make that happen.

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Sonia Holdaway (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Trained as a couples and family therapist, I specialize in relationship counseling. If you are feeling disconnected or like you seem to be just talking past each other, I can help. My approach is based in emotion-focused, family systems and Gottman principles, and our work provides a safe space for each of you to express yourself in new ways, using dynamic, in-the-room exercises to help interrupt hurtful patterns and create momentum towards a healthier partnership.

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Holly Wigmore (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Working with relationships is a unique opportunity to enter the venn diagram where the experiences of two individuals meet. I have experience in work with couples where trauma or mental health concerns are impacting relational function. I utilized EFT, attachment, and interpersonal interventions to help improve communication, connection, and understanding between partners.

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Jackie Turner (she, her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MA, Marriage & Family Therapist Associate

We put a lot of pressure on our romantic relationships - we are expected to be everything to each other. We idealize our partners and then struggle with disillusionment. This is a lot to navigate and it's easy to lose sight of each other and lose sight of that initial spark. In couples therapy, I support and encourage you in opening up to a different kind of experience with your partner, as well as developing the skills needed to build an authentic, interdependent connection.

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Amanda Fitzpatrick (She/they)

Marriage and Family Therapist


I believe that we are conceived in relationship and continue to move in, out, and through relationships our entire lives. These relationships teach us how to love, how to hurt, how to learn, how to exist in our bodies, how to judge and hold prejudice, how to forgive. They can bring the wounding cut of betrayal, and also hold tremendous power for healing. I have extensive training in Terry Real's Relational Life Therapy and numerous models that center neurodivergent affirming relationships.

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Andrew Griffes

Professional Counselor


I work with couples to build love and resilience into your everyday experience of relationship. Whether you are looking to deepen your sense of intimacy or heal pain steering you toward splitting up, I can support you transform inherited relationship patterns to a basis of connection and understanding. My work is based in attachment neurobiology, clear communication, and mindfulness.

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Michelle Anderson (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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