Somatic Therapy (Body Centered)

Body centered therapy, also known as somatic psychotherapy, includes a variety of approaches to mental health that emphasize the importance of the mind/body connection. Integrating traditional talk therapy with practices that use the body as a healing resource, body centered therapy may include activities like stretching, breath exercises, tai chi, dance, yoga, massage, and relaxation techniques. Body centered therapy can be effective for a wide range of issues including anxiety, body image problems, eating disorders, stress, trauma, abuse, chronic pain, physical illness, terminal disease or disability.

Local experts in Somatic Therapy (Body Centered)

Portland Therapy Project

Licensed Professional Counselor

All clinician and supervisors work through the lens of somatic therapy. We believe understanding our whole self starts with holding space for all the emotions and experience of the body.

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Kathleen Converse (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


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Nova (Stephenie) Knutson (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Somatic therapies operate on the principle that body and mind are co-arising and co-influencing and that attending to the body is integral to the healing process. Untended emotional challenges often manifest in physical pain and dis-ease. As a certified Hakomi Therapist I have specialized training and over 16 years of experience in counseling with a somatic/body centered orientation.

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Wyatt Okeefe (he/they)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Somatic therapy explores how the body expresses deeply painful experiences, applying mind-body healing to aid with trauma recovery. I believe our bodies inform us in many ways and help clients explore what the body knows to better understand and heal from trauma.

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G. Ravyn (Ravyn) Stanfield (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate Counseling, EMDR trained, Licensed Acupuncturist

After over 20 years as an acupuncturist, I’m convinced that many of our emotional challenges like anger, anxiety, depression, and grief live in the body. Somatic therapy can help uncover and shift uncomfortable feelings and chronic issues that we haven’t been able to talk our way out of.

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Jordan Curtis (He/him)

Professional Counselor Associate


I have been trained in Hakomi, a somatic-based psychotherapy. I utilize a somatic understanding and techniques as part of a holistic way of understanding and treating the self. In therapy, we will include attention to your body and sensations as part of your self-awareness and ability to emotionally regulate. We may experiment with postures, spatial dynamics, movement, and touch as part of the therapy process. My somatic approach is also informed by polyvagal theory & somatic experiencing.

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Ashley Adler (she/her/hers)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Master of Arts in Marriage, Couples, and Family Therapy

Somatic experiential therapy means that we might explore your thoughts, body sensations, feelings, memories from your past, beliefs and other layers of your experience. Slowing down in our fast-paced culture and tuning into different parts of your world can be powerful.

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Lauren Stines (she/they)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


Our bodies hold wisdom and insight into our wants, needs, and boundaries. Our bodies allow us to experience parts of life like pleasure, play, and joy. They are also vessels that hold our pain. Through somatic therapy, we can reconnect to the feeling body, deepen into pleasure and joy, and identify where trauma/anxiety/depression is held in order to tend to it. I will invite you to check in with how your body responds to content expressed in session with compassion and curiosity.

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Caitlin Keitel (she/her)

Professional Counselor

M.A. Process Oriented Facilitation

Our bodies have an incredible capacity to hold experiences as sensory-grounded memories. By consciously following the signals and symptoms of our bodies, we can find much greater awareness and healing than we can with our thinking minds alone.

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Dr. Kimberly Christensen

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Somatic therapy recognizes the connection between your body and your psyche. The body is where our earliest emotional patterns were formed. The body is also where we hold trauma and abuse. By working directly with your body in psychotherapy, connecting sensations and symptoms to psychic processes, we work towards changing and resetting your nervous system to support re-inhabiting yourself at a cellular level.

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Lolo Halman (he/him)

Professional Counselor

M.A., Diploma of Process Work

I am trained in Process Work, which uses somatic awareness practices to work with body symptoms, nighttime dreams, relational difficulties, vision for the world, and more. Through embodiment of that which attracts or disturbs us, we can often gain insights that can bring new ways of being and living our lives more fully. Embodiment can allow for a more rapid integration of these learnings.

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Julie Sliga (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Katrina Clark (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I integrate body-based processes and techniques to help you release nervous system stress, blocked emotions and stored traumas in the body.

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Bex Mertulien (They/Them)

Professional Counselor Associate

Registered Associate R7909

I have utilized somatic therapy for the last 5 years both through my own personal experience as well as throughout my graduate education. I incorporate principles from Interpersonal Neurobiology as well as concepts learned from my undergradute education in the field of Neurobiology. I intertwine treatment techniques from sensorimotor therapy to ground the body as we explore or engage with trauma, anxiety, dissociation/depersonalization and other issues.

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Peter Addy (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


As a therapist with expertise in somatic therapy, I am trained in body-based approaches to healing. I emphasize the mind-body connection and help clients release stored tension and trauma through the wisdom of the body. With specialized training, I support clients in their healing journey using somatic techniques that address the interconnectedness of body, mind, and emotions.

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Trish Nicholson (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

Board-certified (NCC)

Trauma can often disconnect us from our bodily experiences, leaving us feeling fragmented and disconnected. In our sessions, we'll explore your body's responses to stress, trauma, and emotions, using techniques like breathwork, mindfulness, and body awareness to release tension and promote healing. By becoming more attuned to your body, you can achieve greater self-awareness, reduce stress, and foster a deeper sense of overall well-being.

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Arrival Counseling annie dolle LCSW (she/her/hers)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


As a student of Hakomi and AEDP I am focused on the most gentle, effective, and powerful tools for self awareness and choice. I believe that we can attune to our bodies, minds, emotions, moods, memories, beliefs, and spirit to move towards greater inner peace and joy. Carefully attuned body awareness is an effective tool in driving this process. This background makes me an excellent choice for integration therapy.

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Marcy Irene Jenks (she/they)

Licensed Professional Counselor


"Soma" is the Greek word meaning "living body". Too often we are disconnected from our body's wisdoms and might ignore the wealth of insight and understanding the body has for our lives. Somatic approaches to therapy involve exploring and including the body's experiences in each session, understanding that our bodies, even when in pain or discomfort, can be a resource and ally towards living a fulfilling life.

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Eden Baron-Williams (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MA, Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Everything in life is a physical, mental, social, and spiritual experience. Yet, many of us are disconnected from our bodies. I believe that our bodies are vessels of wisdom from which we hold our experiences of pain, joy, belonging, intuition, and information. Through the process of slowing down and noticing, we can uncover a well of resources you already have within you, as well as heal from a foundational level. I am a Certified Somatic Attachment Therapist

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Margaret McNeal (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


The body is an essential aspect of our self and wellbeing. Modern science echoes the wisdom held in many ancient traditions that the body is integral to our psychology, that psyche and soma are not separate. Somatic work can powerfully reveal and heal hidden aspects of our experience through exploration of movement, posture, and symptoms. Somatic work is also a useful complement to trauma work and IFS/"parts work" that helps facilitate regulation and expansion of the self.

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Brittany England

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT, MA in Counseling

My Mind-Body approach that is rooted in somatic based interventions, meridian tapping techniques (FasterEFT & EFT), NLP, mindfulness and neuroscience. This approach allows us to work with the subconscious mind which is where your internal operating system lives. We will work together to help you tune into your somatic (body/physical) experience to help you gain more awareness of your internal experience. This holistic approach invites in the possibility for deeper healing and transformation.

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Kristine Zappa (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


My degree is in Somatic Counseling with a concentration in both Body Psychotherapy and Dance/Movement Therapy from Naropa University. Additionally, I am a Registered Dance/Movement Therapist (R-DMT) through the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA). I am also trained in level one of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, which is a holistic and somatic approach to treating trauma.

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Gabriella Losada (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

Our bodies hold so much information that we aren't always (or can't be) attuned to. In session somatic work might look like doing body scans, grounding exercises, small physical movement, guided visualizations, or just pausing and noticing what your body is doing and how it’s feeling. Sometimes with neurodivergence, chronic pain, or trauma our bodies aren’t always a comfortable or accessible place to be and if that is a concern, we can collaborate to find a component that works for you.

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Kaia Stamiris (She/They)

Professional Counselor Associate

MA, #R7150

I've done training in Internal Family Systems, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness-based therapies, and Hakomi. All of these have their own way of accessing and relating to the felt sense- which ultimately resides in the body of each client. I have a natural curiosity about my client's somatic experiences and ask questions that facilitate the skill of tracking these internal experiences.

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Emily Wheeler (She/her)



You know how we breathe without a second thought? Imagine using that simple, natural rhythm to gently transform how you feel. When you focus on your breath, it opens up a soothing space where you can ease away stress, let go of buried emotions, and truly connect with yourself; and when we combine this mindful breathing with gentle movement. It creates a nurturing somatic practice that's all about lovingly connecting with your body + + spirit.

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Carolyn Knutson LPC, LMT (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle and deeply regulating type of bodywork that focuses on the movement of fluids and energy throughout the brain and spinal cord at the core of our nervous system. Releasing blocks in the physical, emotional, and energetic bodies can bring forward our innate health and profound peace.

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Alicia Banister

Professional Counselor Associate

My background is in somatic-oriented therapies, including Craniosacral therapy, massage, and therapeutic yoga. Much of my practice involves integrating the body into your lived experience, through movement, experience, and nervous system regulation.

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Vlasi Vlahosotiros (he/him/his)

Professional Counselor


In the Western World, there is a dominant myth that the mind and body are separate. I specialize in breaking down that myth, integrating the mind and body for the treatment of anxiety, pain, depression, and a myriad of other conditions/motivations. I am a certified BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release (BBTRS®) practitioner and have completed 260+ hours of training through the BBTRS® Institute. My approach is centered around mindful, compassionate somatic awareness.

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Carolyn Knutson LPC, LMT (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Somatic Experiencing is a highly effective and gentle approach that processes experiences held in our nervous system. The intention is to slowly increase our ability to go in and out of our trauma-wired survival states of fight/flight/feeze/collapse and our body’s natural state of freedom and flow. By going in and out of states of survival and ease, our brain re-wires for safety, connection, and growth. Trauma fragments and isolates, healing synchronizes and re-connects.

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Palma Corral Sotelo (she /her)

Professional Counselor Associate


We will use somatic therapy modalities (body focused) to expand your awareness of your physical sensations and the meanings they hold for you. We will work on settling your nervous system to help you feel safer in your own skin. We will explore how different situations, places or people affect your nervous system using the framework of poly vagal theory.

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Dore Everett, LCSW (He/Him)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


An interdisciplinary, holistic approach to study the experience of the body to reveal and understand the interaction of our body structures with our thoughts, beliefs and actions.

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Brittany Neighbours (she/her/hers)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I have specialized training in Contemporary Reichian Somatic (Orgone) Therapy, and have been part of a program that includes group and individual supervision for this approach since 2017.

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Allison Batty-Capps (she/her)

Somatic Practitioner


I am trained in mind/body therapy, yoga, internal family systems, and mindfulness practices which neuroscience research has shown is effective in decreasing mental health symptoms and helps people live more fully in the present moment.

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Laken Nelson (She/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


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Jennie Towne

Licensed Professional Counselor


As a Hakomi graduate, I utilize Hakomi principles and techniques in my work.

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Sarah Howeth (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Maybe you’ve tried talk therapy and are wanting a different approach. Mindfulness-based experiential therapy places a high value on present-moment experience. With mindful compassionate curiosity, we explore what is true for you related to your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, body sensations, impulses, behaviors, needs, and memories. At times, we may explore what it is like to say or do something, or mindfully notice the impact of something. Mindfulness is a powerful agent for transformation.

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Bethany Ingram (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


We must learn to truly feel our emotions rather than "thinking about feeling them". Our emotions live in the body, and I encourage connection to the body in order to get to know ourselves and move through the emotional pain we experience. Our body, especially our nervous system, can teach us about what we need to feel safe and find connection with ourselves and others. I teach my clients to "befriend their nervous system" to learn how to respond to triggers and increase safety.

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Amelia Mackle MSEd LPC RYT

Licensed Professional Counselor

My perspective is that the mind and the body cannot be seperated if we are to feel like we are wholly living. I use a variety of breathing techniques, yoga, body sensing and physical health approaches to bring the mind and body to healing together.

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Marley Dagner (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


The brain, nervous system, emotions, and physical experiences are an integral part of our human experience. Somatic-based and focused therapeutic interventions can provide great insight and regulation to a variety of life's struggles; which can lead to an impactful recovery, growth, and healing for many folks.

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Rebeca Rocha (She/Her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I am a Somatic Experiencing (SE) practitioner. I have received the 3-year professional training from SE International. SE is a body-oriented therapeutic approach for trauma healing.

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Julianna Vermeys

Licensed Professional Counselor


Each of us has the potential to be fully present by utilizing the vast communication potential of the body. I am highly skilled at utilizing the awareness of the sensation in one's body to guide a richer understanding of one's emotions, reactions and experience during therapy.

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Selin Strait (they/them, she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Caitlin Truitt (she/her/hers)

Clinical Social Work Associate


Traumatic experiences are not processed like other memories. The brain does not assign a "time stamp" to trauma memories like it does to other past experiences, which causes our bodies to operate as if that trauma is still happening. This causes our nervous systems to go haywire and wreaks havoc on our bodies. Somatic approaches, like polyvagal theory, heal trauma by helping us find safety in our bodies, retraining our nervous systems to realize that we are no longer constantly in danger.

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Emma Jewell (she/her)

Somatic Practitioner

Radical Aliveness Practitioner & LMT

The body holds memory, healing of the mind and the body is interconnected. As a body worker for over 10 years, and training in body-centered emotional work, I integrate body sensations, sounds and movement practices into each session. So much is possible through the body that we may not be able to put words to.

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Jennifer Stratton (She/Her/Hers)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Terra Anderson (they/them)

Somatic Practitioner


My guess is that when it comes to sex and intimacy, you'd like to actually feel progress, not just talk about it. Right? My approach to therapy inherently includes your body as a gateway to knowing yourself and your needs on a deeper level. In our work together I will help you track your felt experience by way of your breath, sensation, and movement to create shifts on an embodied level.

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Lauren Saville (She/They)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Micah Hala

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Body centered therapy emphasizes the importance of the mind/body connection. Often, we forget to simply “be” present in our bodies. By tuning into our body, we can learn how to inhabit the full spectrum of our human experience and let our body be an ally to our journey of healing, by simply listening to its wisdom.

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Riva Stoudt

Licensed Professional Counselor

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Kellie Supriano (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Miranda York

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

I use mindfulness to guide you to understand your body's natural impulses that may have been suppressed due to shock traumas, relational traumas, or social conditioning. These natural impulses can help us understand the adaptive actions we need to take in life that flow naturally from our emotions.

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Sara Rosenau (she/they)

Clinical Social Work Associate


I am trained in Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy (Level One). Hakomi understands that change comes not from our effort, but from our awareness. Hakomi uses mindfulness—a state of relaxed, nonjudgmental awareness–to study, activate, and directly experience the root causes underlying our habitual feelings, thoughts and behavior.

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Ayala Parker (she/they)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


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David Hayden (He/Him)

Licensed Professional Counselor

I practice and have been trained in Somatic Experiencing. This approach views treatment, via working with the nervous system and I have personalized this orientation to also prioritize an individual's attachment style.

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Pearl Waldorf

Licensed Professional Counselor

The body holds the story of our lives in the present moment. We can work here and now to heal the wounds which thwart satisfaction in our lives. Through deep listening we learn to attend to the wisdom deep in implicit memory system and to sort what's past from what's actually happening right now.

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Alexandra Winteraven (She/They)

Licensed Professional Counselor


In our sessions, my focus is on cultivating a nurturing space where you can slow down and reconnect with your inner experience through present moment awareness. This involves inviting you to pause and attentively notice what your body is communicating. Much of the disconnection many of us experience stems from a sense of disembodiment that began at an early age and continues into adulthood.

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Jen Yerty (They/She)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I have training in somatic and mindfulness techniques pioneered by Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges, Pat Ogden, Ron Kurtz, Babette Rothschild, and Peter Levine. I have specific training in Somatic Experiencing. This practice involves a lot of silence as we slow down and listen to your system and how it reacts to the world around you. We begin to notice your system gently pendulating from positive to negative and back, and enhance ability to stay in a calm nervous system state.

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Melinda Norman (She/Her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

I blend a mixture of energy work with my training in PSIP (psychedelic somatic interactional psychotherapy---which can be done non medicated) to assist clients in releasing stored trauma from their body.

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Grace Carter (She/Her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

A modality grounded in the mind-body connection, somatic psychotherapy is the largest branch of somatic psychology. Contemporary practitioners of somatic therapy believe that viewing the mind and body as one entity is essential to the therapeutic process. This mind/body entity will move toward healing and growth of its own accord, given the right environment, and interpersonal interactions, when conducted in a safe and respectful manner, can positively impact and help regulate the mind/body.

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lisa anne ross (she/her)

Somatic Practitioner

Core Energetics explores the intersection of body, mind, and spirit using embodiment practices to bring consciousness to the flow and constrictions of energy in our body, mind, and emotions. I’ll guide you in applying awareness and movement to unwind the physical and energetic armor that formed as we developed from childhood into adulthood, leading to an authentic self unbound by insecurities.

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Karin Pfeiffer-Robinson (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Our bodies hold so much wisdom. And yet, many of us have learned how to disconnect from them as a way to avoid feeling our pain and other intense emotions. It is possible to rebuild your connection, gradually and safely, with the feelings your body holds. I often weave together somatic therapy with parts work, informed by Internal Family Systems therapy, and find that this helps clients access their experience in deep, meaningful ways.

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Ally Simone (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

LMFT T2066

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Licensed Professional Counselor


Sometimes we don't have words, we just have feelings. Where the words fail, the body speaks. Our bodies hold stress, unresolved trauma and emotions, and implicit memories (the things we don't have words for but can feel). If you have ever felt a deep pang of loneliness or fear and wonder where it is coming from, this is your implicit body memory. We work with these sensations to help process and 'metabolize" these body memories to help bring increased sense of calm and grounding.

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Shay Larken

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Holly Wigmore (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


Embodied practices that move beyond talk therapy are vital to how I help clients move towards healing trauma. Our bodies hold trauma and also hold the keys to our healing. Through somatic interventions, we will get creative in how we can use your own innate resilience to connect with your core self and move toward the best version of you available.

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James Reling (he/him/his)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Trauma (from big events to the accumulation of smaller invalidating experiences) is stored in the body, as is resilience and the potential for healing. By learning how to listen to and follow your body's cues, you can heal in ways that may be less accessible to traditional talk therapy. I am currently in a three-year training to become a Somatic Experiencing Practioner.

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Xan Scott (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


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Dr. Sarah Kendrick (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate


I could have spent my whole life talking about trauma instead of moving it through. As a student who stumbled into the field, I was its biggest critic. I wanted evidence that the body mattered. In my most profound relationships now as client or healer, we don't talk a lot & the evidence is right there in the ability to process & release pain without analysis paralysis. I lead folx to learn from their own body how stress shapes the way they walk the world & they let it lead them toward freedom

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Fatema Rashid (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

MA, Professional Counselor Associate, R6840

I integrate somatic awareness and mindfulness into my practice with clients who are open to a more holistic approach to therapy. Through guided meditation, breathing exercises, and other core mindfulness techniques, you will learn to identify and express emotions stored in the body. You will also learn to manage negative thought patterns, cultivate self-compassion, and connect with others (and yourself) on a deeper level.

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Skyhook Counseling Center

Professional Counselor Associate

PSYD, LPC, Professional Counselor Associate

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Christine Finucane (She/her/hers)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Similar to mindfulness, Somatic therapy, also known as Somatic Experiencing, is a body focused approach to healing. Research has shown that unresolved trauma is energy that is stored in our body. Learning to befriend our bodies and to notice when we are caught in a traumatic reaction in our nervous system such as fight, flight, freeze is the first step to healing. Please see my website for more information.

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Ivy Katz (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


In a somatic approach, the information the body conveys is welcomed. Together we pay close attention to the messages your body is sending. Somatic approaches to therapy understand the ways our bodies digest experiences and utilize this understanding to inform the healing process. A somatic orientation to therapy integrates healing at an embodied level often allowing for progress and changes to happen more sustainably.

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Shannon Rice (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I am an SEP and have 3 years of training in Somatic Experiencing, a world-renowned trauma-informed therapeutic modality. This includes acute PTSD, as well as sexual, complex, relational, or developmental trauma. You will learn how trauma works and how to regulate yourself when triggered to feel more empowered in yourself and in the world. My goal is to help you feel more "at home" in your body and learn how to trust your internal cues.

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Brian Hannah (he/they)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


My specialty treatment orientations include somatic therapy, where I incorporate Sensorimotor Psychotherapy into my practice. Trained in supporting people through both acute and developmental trauma, I address the connection between the body and mind to help clients process and heal from trauma, stress, and other emotional challenges. By integrating these techniques, I provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to therapy that supports the full spectrum of healing and personal growth.

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Sasha Rosenfels, MA, LMFT (She/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


In my work, I may employ components of ​Compassionate-Based Mindfulness, Attachment-Based Therapy, Inner Child Work, and Somatic Therapy. I utilize these approaches in order to help individuals explore the experiences that shaped them and the impacts these experiences have had. Work in these modalities also helps individuals foster a new, more compassionate relationship with themselves and others.

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Sharon Hale (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I am trained in NeuroAffective Relational Model, which is a somatic approach to therapy.

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Danielle Davis (they/them)

Professional Counselor Associate

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Angelica Nenchev (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

CADC I, MA, Professional Counselor Associate

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-based approach for healing trauma. Trauma usually occurs when there’s too much happening, too fast, too soon. This can leave us feeling powerless, resentful, and stuck in unhelpful patterns that may be too rigid or too chaotic. SE techniques help the nervous system to discharge traumatic energy that gets stored in the body so you can move beyond survival mode.

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Andrew Conner (He/Him/His)

Marriage and Family Therapist


I am a certified teacher of The Realization Process, an embodied path to spiritual awakening, personal growth, and healing created by Judith Blackstone.

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Rachael Patoray (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I apply Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, a trauma-informed somatic psychotherapy that combines traditional talk therapy techniques with body-centered interventions that directly address the somatic legacy of trauma; attending first to discover how the body remembered the trauma and then providing the somatic experiences needed for resolution.

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Jessica Besner (she/they)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Studied somatic methods during my training, including Trauma-Sensitive Yoga for Complex PTSD. Attended body-centered conferences in early training. Currently completing Somatic Attachment Therapy Certificate and hold a certificate in Integrative Somatic Trauma Treatment, both from the Embody Lab.

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Emma Stern (she/her/hers)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Somatic psychotherapy integrates body-based inquiry and mindfulness into traditional talk therapy. Much of our subconscious emotional experience manifests as physical tension and holding patterns. “Feelings” are literally physical manifestations of the brain and nervous system’s response to emotional stimuli. Through developing a cognitive understanding of the mind-body connection, we find manageable ways to face challenges and cultivate deeper compassion for ourselves and others.

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Kelsey Huber (they/them)

Professional Counselor Associate


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Candice Guertin (She/Her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MFT Registered Associate

I believe the mind and body need to be integrated for healing to occur. In addition to being a therapist, I am a certified yoga instructor and have received training in mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork. I creates a safe space for clients to explore and be their authentic selves. Clients appreciate my warmth, understanding and ability to foster a space of non-judgement. “Balance in the body is the foundation for balance in life” B.K.S

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Rose Novak (she/her)

Professional Counselor Associate

M.A. Professional Mental Health Counseling

I am currently receiving supervision from a Somatic Psychotherapy Mental Health Professional, and recently completed a an internship program with a somatically oriented practice. Over the years, I have gained knowledge and experience in healing stored trauma in the body. My approach is slow and gentle, we will practice learning how to listen to your body's cues and innate wisdom.

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Marc•francis Otto (they/them)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Somatic refers to the lived experience of the body. Not just having a body, but living in a body. As all our patterns are grounded in our body, we won't just talk about what's going on. Instead, we'll attend to how your body has uniquely adapted to your life. We'll focus on sensations, feelings, and movements in helping you find your greater wholeness.

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Stuart Malkin (he/him/they)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Drawing on mindfulness-based, somatic training in Hakomi, Recreation of Self (RC-S), I use the body as a way to access emotions, sensations, imagery, memories that may related to a way a client experiences their body and their therapeutic goals. Lifespan Integration, as the name suggests, helps integrate unprocessed wounded states from past and teaches your mind and body that these events are over.

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Annie Vail (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Certified Hakomi Therapist (CHT)

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Bonnie Singman (She/her)

Professional Counselor


Somatic (Body) Psychotherapy treats the whole person, integrating body, mind, emotions, and spirit, enabling you to do deeper more meaningful work in less time with more lasting results. I work with the breath, movement, inner body sensations/awareness, and access the right-brain through symbolism, intuition, & imagery. Somatic Experiencing® teaches you to track and attune to your nervous system to regulate, release trauma, empower, and attend to needs and nervous system states effectively.

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Rebecca Garetz (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I am a trauma informed certified yoga teacher and therapist (500 hours). Yoga is a great addition to talk therapy. The body holds emotions and trauma that sometimes our brains haven't even processed or consciously aware of. Working with the body can calm the nervous system and teach us about safety, boundaries, and connection.

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Ryn Rising (They/Them)

Professional Counselor Associate

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Courtney Burns

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

I am certified in The Trauma Conscious Yoga method (TCYM). Incorporating this somatic modality into session can look a number of different ways; to exploring where a particular emotion is “landing” in the body, to engaging in breath work as well as postures that can be helpful in learning to regulate your central nervous system.

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Lesley Smith (they/she)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I believe that our bodies hold so much information and need to be involved in the practice. I am being trained in Somatic Experiencing (currently Intermediate Level 2 trained). To learn more about Somatic Experiencing check out -

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Haley Bosco Doyle (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


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Jane Flanagan (they/them)

Professional Counselor Associate

Master of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

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Camillia de la Garza Thompson (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


My ability to explore the body-mind interface is supported by years studying dance movement therapies, a degree in movement analysis from the Laban Institute of Movement Studies in New York City, training in Hakomi and other modalities. I am also a self-proclaimed interpersonal neurobiology geek and love bringing this psychoeducation into my work :)

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